Elitist Michigan country club ashamed of pro-Trump member running in 11th district – IOTW Report

Elitist Michigan country club ashamed of pro-Trump member running in 11th district

After fundraiser cancellation, we learn the country-club set really, really, really, dislikes Trump.

American Thinker: For sheer jerkery, it’s hard to top the Franklin Hill Country Club of Oakland County in Michigan.

Instead of telling pro-Trump Republican candidate Lena Epstein right off the bat she wasn’t welcome there, they took her money and scheduled her for a fundraiser well in advance of its starting date. Then one of them connected to some former daddy-president whined, the rest of them started clutching their pearls, and shortly before the event was set to run, they cancelled it, offering some hoity toity reason for their failure to fulfill their contract the way the rest of us do. The Detroit News has the story:

Epstein, who strongly supports Trump, got a call Friday informing her that the country club board had voted to cancel her fundraiser because of her political views, she said.

Epstein co-chaired Trump’s campaign in Michigan in 2016. She is seeking the GOP nomination in the 11th District, where Republican Rep. Dave Trott is retiring.

“It’s discrimination. Let’s call it what it is,” Epstein said. “I’m a longstanding member. My family were longstanding members of the community. We’ve never experienced anything like this.”  more


16 Comments on Elitist Michigan country club ashamed of pro-Trump member running in 11th district

  1. Uh oh. Woe unto the elitists of Franklin Hill Country Club.

    If Michael Simon’s (“son of the former FHCC president”) FB post was righteously righteous, why did he feel the need to take it down? Hypocrisy, they name is FHCC.

  2. There is TOTAL ROT in the leadership of the American-Jewish community. AND I DO MEAN TOTAL.

    They know nothing at all, except for being Democrats, even if it leads them off a cliff. They have blinders on and are politically stupid, unbelievably so. It is disgusting to watch.

  3. Play by their rules and sue the hell out of them. If that doesn’t work maybe Trump Jr can buy the club (or ground beside it using a shell corp) and change it to a public club or create a new public club beside Franklin Hill. Start golf programs for young, disadvantaged youth. I’m sure that would be fun to watch.

  4. Do the Jewish members of Franklin Hill CC know nothing of history? The call to donate to the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services is literally a case of cutting ones nose off to spite their face (or necks on the chopping block).

  5. When President Trump bought and paid for his Palm Beach country club, he insisted they open it to blacks and Jews.
    You suppose this is pay back for spoiling there elite club?
    Just who are the racist bigots now?
    Progs are so dumb, they think Fascists and Socialists are not the same people.

  6. OpenTheDoor
    JUNE 30, 2018 AT 12:34 PM

    In addition, I well remember when Palm Beach imposed a $1000/day fine when he refused to take down the huge US Flag (as it exceeded size regs). Note I said imposed, not collected.

    Yet another reason the polo pony country club set hate him. He doesn’t play by their rules. He writes his own.

  7. @OpenTheDoor —

    The account I read about that flag was that the flag pole was deemed too tall. So Trump got a shorter flag pole but placed it on a newly-created berm. So, he out-smautted the city officials and got the flag to fly at the height he wanted. LOL!

    That’s *MY* president.

    Trump/Pence 2020

  8. AA. The pole exceeded height limits but the flag also exceeded size regs. It was the size you see on car dealership lots! I know, I lived there and saw it with my own eyes, clear across the bridge!

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