Elizabeth Warren campaign criticized for running a “Great Scam” to lure applicants into unpaid fellowships – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren campaign criticized for running a “Great Scam” to lure applicants into unpaid fellowships

Legal Insurrection:

Elizabeth Warren’s not practicing what she preaches is a recurring theme in her political career, beyond her Native American problem.

As we covered in 2012 and again recently, Warren made millions representing large corporations in legal cases hostile to consumers and workers, yet portrayed that work completely differently: Elizabeth Warren’s erroneous claim to have tried to help women with breast implant claims when she represented Dow Chemical

She also attacks businesses for not paying enough to workers, yet as we reported in 2013, didn’t pay her Senate office interns: Elizabeth Warren pays interns $0 per hour.

Warren claimed to rectify the unpaid internship practice in her Senate office as she prepared for a presidential run, but it has resurfaced at her presidential campaign operation in the form of a “fellowship” program.

The Daily Beast reports, Warren Fellowship Applicants: Campaign Program Was a ‘Great Scam’:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has built much of her political career as a champion of workers and consumers against the deceptive and exploitative practices of corporations and employers.

But as she navigates the latest chapter of that career arc—a run for the Democratic nomination for the presidency—the Massachusetts Democrat faces criticism from several of her own supporters who said the lowest tier of her campaign structure doesn’t match the image she projects.

Two early converts to Warren described the process for entry into her campaign’s volunteer fellowship program as deceptive and at times exploitative in interviews with The Daily Beast. They said they were pushed toward unpaid positions over paid ones, misled over the availability of financial assistance, and asked to sign highly restrictive nondisclosure agreements that worker advocacy groups concede are irregular. Both applicants verified their accounts with emails and text messages from the Warren campaign.

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12 Comments on Elizabeth Warren campaign criticized for running a “Great Scam” to lure applicants into unpaid fellowships

  1. This smells like a Kamala plant.

    Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964 in Oakland, California to a Tamil Indian mother and a Jamaican father. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, was a breast-cancer scientist.

  2. You have to be amazed how the absolute lowest form of human scum in this country manage to rise to such high levels in politics.
    Despite all the information available people still choose to hand their vote to these hucksters.
    It’s discouraging knowing that for all the effort you employ to stay informed and carefully choose what you hope is a good candidate there’s an idiot out there that’ll cancel it out.

  3. No surprise…Warren et al are those same kids who got stuffed in a locker in Junior Hign because they annoyed everyone around them…they only get more corrupt and mental as they age, thinking they are entitled to lie as easy as the rest of us breathe.

    As for Harris…and just like Trump’s predecessor…she’s not a natural born citizen so is ineligible to be President. The Founders were succinct and very clear on the requirement (which is why the phDs write volumes trying to undermine the statute thinking more words and twisted logic will undo it). Kenyan father (for Obama) – should not have happened. Indian and Jamaican parents without confirmation of their naturalization prior to her birth in Oakland (Harris)….sorry but it’s not happening again.

  4. Democrats, and probably most Republicans as well, never seem to care about anything or anyone except themselves and their own personal money, position and power. In their view, all things, including people, are just a means to be used to establish and secure those things.

    That’s why their expressed hatred for anything (political) that is different and shows them up for what they are, they can’t take a chance on the average person catching on and deciding they want something different instead.


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