Elizabeth Warren: Free Sex Changes For Prisoners – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren: Free Sex Changes For Prisoners

For 2020, the democratic candidates are hoping if they promise enough “free” stuff they’ll be able to beat President Trump. If this sounds like they’re trying to buy votes, don’t worry, these are democrats and nothing they do is wrong, illegal, or unethical. Elizabeth Warren has promised trillions of dollars in government giveaways to special interest groups including $1 trillion in “environmental racism” reparations. She has now set her sights on the ever-important transgender convicted felon voting block by promising prisoners “free” sex change operations.

Warren released her LGBT pander platform today and there’s one group of people who can’t legally vote who will definitely be voting for her. MORE

22 Comments on Elizabeth Warren: Free Sex Changes For Prisoners

  1. And by “free” she means the law abiding citizen pony up the cash to take care of criminals who want elective treatment.

    In what world does she live in does she thinks that is a winning sales pitch to the undecided voter?

  2. Maybe she should think of the logical conclusion. People with mental disorders, like gender dysphoria, committing felonies to take advantage of free body mutilations on the taxpayers” dime.

    This isn’t a winning issue. She’s f’ing delusional.

  3. I hope she keeps talking … and talking … and talking.

    Pretty soon (eventually) even the morons she promises all the shit to are gonna ask about it.

    She really believes she has a winning program, here. Either that, or she’s one of the sacrificial goats to help whoever steps in at the last moment appear to be sane. Hard to figure out who’s really nuts and who’s just pretending.

    It’s raining lies – a torrent of lies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What does this woman WANT? I’m not talking about her campaign slogans or talking points. I mean, what SHE wants.

    Does she want power? Money? Fame? To feel important?

    Because she’s not smart enough for this game or any of those things. She doesn’t have the IQ or the attitude to run a business let alone the country.

    After watching videos of her, I think she’s lying – especially to herself. I think what she WANTS is validation from others for her personal failings. To use a modern term, she’s inadequate.

  5. Other than continuing to piss off the majority of level-headed Americans what is this idiot Democrat trying to accomplish. There can’t be that many percentage wise that will affect the outcome of an election.

  6. The girl at AOC’s town hall was close, except we don’t need to eat the babies to save the planet, we need to eat the democrats (or feed them to the animals, then eat the animals).

  7. How much did she pay to have her aboriginal transition? Back then it wasn’t covered by the taxpayer but it’s a whole new world now and she want’s others to experience the metamorphosis of their desire without being burdened with those pesky payments.

  8. Seriously now, how could any rationale and sane Democrat approve of the feckless and obscene policy proposals of these clown candidates?

    Oh wait, I assumed the D voters are sane, intelligent, and patriotic. I see my error.

  9. The great thing about sex-change operations is that it prevents all these lunatics from reproducing. Now, if we could just figure out a way to prevent them from adopting kids…


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