Elizabeth Warren isn’t just unlikable; she’s an idiot – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren isn’t just unlikable; she’s an idiot

Patriot Retort: On New Year’s Day, beer-drinking novice Elizabeth Warren sent out this tweet.

Over 7,000 people in Massachusetts have been sent home or are working without pay during the . Until @realDonaldTrump re-opens the government, I’m donating my salary to @HIASrefugees, a nonprofit that helps refugees and makes our country stronger in the process.

Okay. So I’m going to see if I can noodle this out.

Liz is heartbroken that seven thousand Americans in Massachusetts have been adversely affected by the Government Shutdown.

So, to show solidarity for these Americans who are either furloughed or working for no pay, she’s going to donate her salary …. to a non-profit who helps refugees.

And that will help those Federal workers how exactly?

Will those seven thousand people in Massachusetts see this tweet and say, “Sure, I might not be getting paid during the shutdown, but at least my Senator is going to the mat to help out refugees!”  MORE

19 Comments on Elizabeth Warren isn’t just unlikable; she’s an idiot

  1. She and Hilary are doing just what low grade bands do; they try to predict what kind of music ‘the crowd’ will want. Then they start playing that music until they receive negative feedback, then they change their style.

  2. She puts me in mind of a pent up spinster aunt with the social awkwardness and questionable sexuality of a character from a Frank Capra movie. Or perhaps the host of a PBS or local access tv show wherein she has a fetish for knitting cozies for toasters and other kitchen appliances.

  3. “Elizabeth Warren · Net worth
    $8 million USD (2015)”

    That’s “Net” not “Gross” – so the donation part is a mere pittance.
    The fact that it is being donated to illegal-alien invaders will be completely lost on the foolish maggots who voted for her. That fact that her REAL constituency is South of our Southern Border doesn’t concern them at all.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She wouldn’t be caught dead near a Bible and the only guns around her belong to her security detail. I’m more Indian than she is, my paternal grandfather had some Indian blood in him from growing up in Oklahoma in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. And my late wife was mistaken for being an Indian since she had high cheek bones which is laughable since she was part Norwegian on her mother’s side of the family and totally English Catholic on her dad’s side.

  5. Mithrandir,
    I looked the best I could at the original image and do not think it is as claimed. The outline of the head is different for one. I could be wrong or someone wants the right to look bad.

  6. The Desi and Lucy show would be a poor second to the indians campaign.

    @Uncle Al, or one of those stupid Honda pickups.

    Its my opinion that those federal employees best start looking for a new job.

  7. Millions of Americans work every year till the end of April or middle of May so those poor “federal workers” can be paid. Maybe Lizzie could help them out a little funding for a wall that might provide them with a bit of job protection.

  8. I have no pity for federal workers. They are a protected group and it’s virtually impossible to fire them. I never worked a job in my life that didn’t require me to perform or else I’d be fired. Federal workers, for the most part, don’t give a rats ass because they don’t have to. That’s why it’s so hard to deal with them.


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