Elizabeth Warren Vows Open Border: Illegals Must Not Be ‘Unnecessarily’ Detained – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Vows Open Border: Illegals Must Not Be ‘Unnecessarily’ Detained


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is vowing to implement a full open borders policy at the United States-Mexico border where border crossers and illegal aliens would rarely be detained.

Warren took to Twitter on Thursday to commit that she, as president, will not “unnecessarily” detain border crossers and illegal aliens who arrive at the southern border.

“Too many immigrants have died in ICE custody,” Warren said. “We need to ensure asylum seekers are welcomed, treated humanely, receive the medical care they need, and are not detained unnecessarily. I have a plan to rebuild a more humane immigration system.”

Warren’s statement came in response to a report that a Cameroon national detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency had died while in custody. Unmentioned, though, is that migrant deaths under the Trump administration are 20 percent lower than the rate of migrant deaths under former President Obama.

The promise is just the latest remark where Warren has promoted the donor-class platform of hemispheric open borders between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, as well as Central and South America. The same position has been accepted by the billionaire Koch brothers donor network, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and the big business lobby.

On Sunday, Warren told American union workers that increasing foreign competition against them in the labor market by giving amnesty to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. would be “good” for them. read more

31 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Vows Open Border: Illegals Must Not Be ‘Unnecessarily’ Detained

  1. Anyone care to guess whut her position would be if illegals loved Trump???
    Lizzy ain’t Good Little Granny Two Shoes. She Who Hunts At Whole Foods is a certified Socialist/Communist who will move the goal posts to benefit her, not the American people!

  2. The Oath the pinheads take to uphold.

    “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
    — U.S. Constitution, Article VI, clause 3

    And this is what is presented for us to consider to vote for,,,

  3. They’re either crazy, corrupt, or both. All of them.
    Trump might win the 2020 presidential election via Democrat
    forfeit. They have no one to run for the office, and, also a consideration, they have no money for a campaign. Poor, poor, Dems.

  4. I have a short list of people that I would stand on the back of their neck as they drowned in a 6 inch mud puddle rather then helping them up…yessir, I do….

  5. What the f**k was “a Cameroon national” doing coming across the southern border? If anything says that the border is a seive, that does. To allow that to continue is to surrender the country to anarchy.

    And if he was so poor, how did that “Cameroon national” manage to get from Central Africa to the US border with Mexico?

  6. Warren: “Hi, I don’t want to delay you unnecessarily, but I’m running for President. As an undocumented immigrant, how would you rate the services you’ve received so far?”

    (Illegal Alien punches Warren in the face.)

    Warren (sobbing): “Officer, he hit me! Make him apologize.”

  7. Willy, had to dig out part of my basement last year to replace some block thanks to my neighbor planting apple trees 18′ from my house. To my surprise when you get down a couple feet its all clay. Nice fun to dig blue/grey clay. So yes, I can dig it. I did make some nice ashtrays and figurines from the extra clay. Why the heck is there always more dirt than the hole can hold?

  8. Willy, I have a lot of Missouri farmers and New England and Washington homesteaders in my family tree (which goes back to about 1640 in America). We’re diggers with strong backs.

    Uncle Al, you’re WHACKED! Whack-em up.

  9. Promise $15 hr. Minimum Wage. Flood the market with illegal workers, who have to accept whatever wage, just to live. Tax burden back on the middle class until they/we are broke, paying for all the free shit.

  10. Different Tim and Jimmy….I think we should organize a ‘Where the FUG are you from” IOTW.COM meet up…..I’ll host it here near the geographic center of the good ol’ USA…..I’m gonna spend part of my nieces inheritance this spring and get me a nice pontoon boat…..I’m hoping for the gathering to be just in time for the crappie spawn in late April/ early May….walleye’s should be active too and there’s always flatheads and channels to bend your pole…..There’s no women or money here, so you have to bring your own…..FUCK, this sounds like I write for one of them fancy travel magazines. Did I mention that you’ll have a photo shoot at the worlds largest ball of twine in Cawker City….might even get a mint on your air mattress pillow…..

  11. please tell me we won’t be listening to another D’rat harpie for the next whole year!

    gawd, I rather listen to Beano … at least I can laugh at him

    weren’t we punished enough the last election? … for Humanity’s sake, NOT AGAIN!

  12. I have just one simple question for Senator Warren which is: Why would her policy not create a mad rush of tens of millions of “asylum seekers” to the U.S.? With the current inefficient border security policy, tens of thousands asylum seekers have already arrived. Warren needs to share her plan and provide specifics, including how to pay for it and how to provide health care, education, housing, food, etc. Thus far, she has avoided revealing any specifics of her immigration plan and, as usual, the media has not “held her feet to the fire.” At least Donald Trump ran on what he was going to do regarding immigration and has attempted to do exactly what he said he would do, although he has not been completely successful, through the fault of Congress and the court system.

  13. My thoughts go to women, what with so many in the fairer sex who spar in the political arena, specifically first ladies and their “themes”. The first I remember is Nancy Reagan’s DO THE RIGHT THING. Obama’s JUST MOVE may be a code to the invaders? Melania’s BE BEST says shoot for the moon so you land amongst the stars. I can’t for the life of me remember either of the Bushes or Pantsuits. The lack of an impression IS an impression. What would Warren’s husband inspire?

  14. Then SHE can house & feed them.
    I pledge a $500+ donation to rent buses and move hundreds, thousands, of homeless and illegals to Pelosi’s, Schumer’s homes. They demand the Homeless & Illegals be “welcomed”? Take video of how THEY “welcome” the destitute. Soros and the Lefties paid to organize and transport those illegals up to Our border … and then CRUELLY ABANDONED them at the border, We should move them the last miles to the Soros, Pelosi, Schumer homes, where they will be lovingly fed, clothed, housed. Be sure to get lots of video of the warm welcome extended by the Loving Liberals. They are openly declaring their Racist, Bigoted, HATE when they condemn Trump’s offer to send ALL the Invaders to them.
    LEADERS do not eat until their People are fed. But WE are really not Their People ……..
    Congress does not get SECURITY until the People get security.
    Remove ALL Taxpayer funded guards, barriers, door locks, gates and fences from all Congressional offices, facilities and homes. If OUR Families don’t get security CONGRESS doesn’t get security. Don’t put up with this crap. If YOUR family is “UNWORTHY” of protection the stinking politicians certainly are unworthy.
    What happened to their mantra “IF it saves only ONE life it is worth it”?
    YOUR family’s life is not “worth it”?! Not to Congress…………
    Climb over THEIR walls and see how you are “welcomed”.
    Walls Don’t Work? Then Why Did Dems Build GIANT Wall to Protect Their 2016 National Convention? https://flagandcross.com/wa
    Obama has 7 walls — http://www.independentsenti
    Look at Pelosi’s walls — https://govtslaves.info/201
    It is ABSOLUTELY not just legal …. by making themselves “sanctuarys” they made it MANDATORY that ALL the ILleagls be shipped to THEIR HOMES.

  15. So Warren’s platform is basically “Vote for me so that I can give everything you have worked for to foreigners that have no legal right to be here”.
    What a winning strategy!
    Anybody that would vote for that is out of their mind, and probably shouldn’t be voting, anyway.

  16. People who knock on my front door are responded to appropriately. “Hi, can I help you?” …people who climb into my house through the bathroom window can expect to get ‘put down’ …if they’re incredibly lucky. People who climb into my bathroom window to enter my house while I’m not looking are guilty of ‘breaking and entering’ and will AT LEAST be charged with that crime on release of the video.

  17. They aren’t being needlessly detained NOW. They GET the medical care they need. Comparing how many die after they get here? The number for comparison is found in the desert stretching all the way back to Guatemala among the bones of those who never got to CBP care. We do a DARNED good job of caring for them AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PEOPLE THEY HAVE JUST INVADED when they get here. They show up darned near dead. Some die. Most live.


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