Elizabeth Warren, Who Said She Wouldn’t Take ‘A Dime’ From Super PACs, Is Now Accepting Support From A Super PAC – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren, Who Said She Wouldn’t Take ‘A Dime’ From Super PACs, Is Now Accepting Support From A Super PAC

DailyCaller: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who vowed when she announced her White House bid in 2019 not to take “a dime of PAC money in this campaign,” refused Thursday to disavow a super PAC raising money to support her candidacy.

“Do you want the super PAC supporting you to stand down?” a reporter asked Warren outside of a campaign stop in Nevada. The super PAC in question, Persist PAC, formed this week to support the Massachusetts Democrat. more here

SNIP: Her excuse? She played the woman card.

11 Comments on Elizabeth Warren, Who Said She Wouldn’t Take ‘A Dime’ From Super PACs, Is Now Accepting Support From A Super PAC

  1. “…We reached a point a few weeks ago where all of the men who were still in this race and on the debate stage all had either super PACs or they were multi-billionaires and they could just rummage in their sock drawers and find enough money to be able to fund a campaign,” Warren said.

    “And the only people that didn’t have them were the two women,” she continued…”

    Oh boo hoo, I’m a victim because I’m a woman. Pay no attention to my reprehensible, hypocritical and extremely unlikable personality, that might explain my poor showing. Money from a super PAC will correct all of those negative personality traits.


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