Elizabeth Warren’s First Week On The Stump Filled With Missteps – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren’s First Week On The Stump Filled With Missteps

DC: Warren’s first week on the campaign trail has also been plagued with fallout from her decision in October to release a DNA test showing she is somewhere between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American. The Cherokee Nation immediately slammed Warren for releasing the test, stating, “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong.”

The DNA test was supposed to put to rest the rumors that Warren had embellished her Native American ancestry or somehow used it to get ahead in her career. It was also meant to silence the president’s favorite nickname for the Harvard Law professor — “Pocahontas.” Instead, months later, Warren is still answering questions about her perceived connection to tribal ancestry.

Warren’s website for her exploratory committee addresses the controversy and compares questions about her ancestry to “birthers” who questioned whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

“Show us your papers. Release your birth certificate. It’s all part of the right’s disgusting effort to use race-baiting and fear-mongering to distract our country and divide our people while they rig the system for the rich and powerful,” the website claims.

Despite the website’s insistence that Warren’s claims to Native American ancestry are not problematic, the senator spent her first week on the campaign trail seemingly making amends to tribal nations. On Thursday night, Warren attended a special reception ceremony for the first Native American women to be elected to Congress.

On Friday night, Warren was speaking at an event in Sioux City, Iowa when an audience member forced her to address the DNA test again. Warren was careful to wrap the criticisms of the Cherokee Nation — primarily that DNA tests do not show tribal membership — in her answer. keep reading

6 Comments on Elizabeth Warren’s First Week On The Stump Filled With Missteps

  1. I suspect she is doing all of this now in order to make the Pocahontas issue later on something that can be referred to as “old news” already dealt with, hashed to death, and not a big deal.


    So, not only as a lawyer, but as a professor of lawyers, she:

    1. Uses the “evidence” that she is part Cherokee because her mommy said she had high cheekbones? Is that real evidence-gathering? Is that something a lawyer would accept in court in defense of a client?

    2. She can’t disclaim her multiple “person of color” status by previous employers.

    3. She herself said she identified with Native Americans.

    4. She entered a “Pow-Wow Chow” recipe in a Native American cookbook.

    5. Her stupid DNA test doesn’t even check for Native American DNA, (a lawyer should have known this prior to taking the test) it only proves a % of South American DNA such as Mexican or Peruvian. Cherokee Nation doesn’t submit DNA for ancestral purposes.

    6. Her 1/2024% DNA should have NEVER been revealed. You check FIRST, then reveal the evidence if it’s in your favor, otherwise you hope to keep it a secret and the public will give you the benefit of the doubt. (No shit right?)

    7. Her ridiculous “Let-me-chug-a-beer-on-camera-and-keep-showing-my-elderly-husband-so-that-people-don’t-think-I’m-a-man-hating-lesbo” schtick, will actually cause her to LOSE votes and she looks desperate. That’s why you pay professionals to make you look good dumb-dumb.

    By the stars this woman is a shrill bimbo by any measure.

    Warren copying Hillary Clinton (neither can pour a beer)


  3. “On Thursday night, Warren attended a special reception ceremony for the first Native American women to be elected to Congress.”

    I thought, in 2012, that WARREN was the first Native American woman to be elected to Congress. That’s what they were saying all over Massachusetts!


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