Ellen DeGeneres’ On-Air Apology Backfires On Her As Former Staffers Pan It – IOTW Report

Ellen DeGeneres’ On-Air Apology Backfires On Her As Former Staffers Pan It


Yesterday, we reported that Ellen DeGeneres had opened the season premiere of her talk show with a monologue in which she apologized after months of current and former staffers coming forward to claim that she allowed a toxic work environment on set.

Unfortunately for DeGeneres, however, this apology has already come back to bite her, as former employees are coming forward once again to say that they weren’t buying it.

Ex-staffers did not like the fact that DeGeneres tried to mix humor and sarcasm into an apology that they feel should have been much more serious. more

12 Comments on Ellen DeGeneres’ On-Air Apology Backfires On Her As Former Staffers Pan It

  1. Sickening the way this ugly freak is still has her popular show on the daytime tv sewage fest. All the women who watch this lesbo shit show are also dedicated, committed voters for the democrat communist party’s take over of our Republic. Sickening.

  2. “Ex-staffers did not like the fact that DeGeneres tried to mix humor and sarcasm into an apology…”

    …in fairness, the thing she SHOULD be apologizing for IS her “humor”, to every single American who’s been subjected to her weaponized unfunniness and jenky excuses for jokes…

    …liberals HAVE no sense of humor.

    ..here’s your proof…

  3. “Never apologize.
    Never explain.”

    She’s a fucking pervert!
    Why would anyone expect anything other than perversion from her?

    Like the idiots who try to hug bears find out that bears don’t want to be hugged!
    Her “staffers” were trying to capitalize on their proximity to a pervert and then were “shocked” that the pervert was an asshole to work for?
    Remember the old parable about the frog and the scorpion?

    Sort of a “DUH!” moment, n’est-ce pas?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …and people who knowingly work for an admitted pervert are surprised she has OTHER bad qualities as well…

    …you know, I’ve never worked for a boss who feels they have to announce to the world what they have sex with at home, and I’m not really sure that I would WANT to, just sayin’…


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