Elly May Goes To the Great Cement Pond in the Sky – IOTW Report

Elly May Goes To the Great Cement Pond in the Sky


Donna Douglas – RIP

I just watched her famous Twilight Zone episode last night.

30 Comments on Elly May Goes To the Great Cement Pond in the Sky

  1. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

    Thanks for the giggles Donna.

    My favorite episode that still makes me laugh is Elly May sitting up in a tree, using a bra for a double barrel sling shot.

  2. Smart, funny, talented actress and great lady who loved the Lord. She was stellar as Elly Mae Clampett. I grew up watching Beverly Hillbillies and watch it on MeTV – still hilarious.

  3. I had no idea that was her in that Twilight Zone. There were ao many great episodes.

    And the Beverly Hillbillies, for all of the stereotyping and derisive connotations against the show, was a great example of how the moral clarity of simple, honest people holds its own against the sneering condescension of their self-proclaimed betters.

    Somehow, it could still be made relevant today.

    Mary Ann is a braindead commie now in case no one has checked her Twitter feed.

  4. I’ve been on a bit of a Hillbillies kick lately since I found out that all of the full episodes are on You Tube. I won’t say which one, but one of the “early” episodes has a scene that (accidentally or not) subtly shows Elly May’s “Toe of the critter that the Sheik left behind”

  5. I grew up watching the Beverly Hillbillies and loved all the characters. Always thought Ms. Douglas was so very pretty. Then, long after the series ended, I saw her on a talk show where she talked about her faith, and it made me into a bigger fan. Heaven got a new angel.

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