Elon Musk bails on Trump’s advisory councils after US withdraws from Paris climate deal – IOTW Report

Elon Musk bails on Trump’s advisory councils after US withdraws from Paris climate deal

Business Insider: Elon Musk is breaking his ties with the White House now that President Donald Trump has said he will pull the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said on Wednesday that he would have “no choice” but to leave the two advisory councils he sits on if the US withdrew from the landmark climate deal — a commitment he reiterated on Thursday after Trump made the announcement.

“Am departing presidential councils,” Musk tweeted. “Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.”

Musk is on two of Trump’s councils: an economic advisory board and the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative.



“Nooo! Muh Subsidies!” 

43 Comments on Elon Musk bails on Trump’s advisory councils after US withdraws from Paris climate deal

  1. Such a snowflake.

    His government subsidies just dried up and he thinks he’s important by withdrawing from these committees? Sucks to be a lib in the Trump administration. 🙂

  2. I’m tired of musk getting all of his sweetheart government funding. In construction, there is a saying of ‘first in best dressed.’ OK. That means the guy who gets to run his pipes, or whatever, first, before everything else is in the way, has the easiest, and most presentable result. Musk just wants to establish his companies, via government funding, and then claim them as ‘best technology.’ This is America, and we have ingenuity. Thank for what you have done thus far, musk, but there is farther to go, and others will take us there.

  3. That skank smell that surrounds him isn’t musk. It’s pheromone.

    Hey, be the test pilot for your first zip tube experiment. Have your mostly liquid remains get back to us on how that went.

  4. Teases stock is way over priced . Been living on federal subsidies. Don’t let the door hit you on the ads on the way out. Second thought let it hit your ass

  5. His only choice was to stomp his feet and leave. It’s all theater to placate his moron followers. If he stayed the morons would consider him a traitor.
    I hope he goes bankrupt.

  6. Remember real pioneers in business are the ones who lose. Pioneers are always early to public acceptance by definition. Most fizzle and the idea is later spawned by some leech who stole the idea from an early pioneer.
    Elon is a leech, his companies are bullshit and there is in fact limited innovation behind his entrepreneurship. Facebook is a leech, Netflix, Apple, Microsoft – all leeches.
    Look how much each is awarded from broad based patents stifling innovation when it was the high priced companies that stole all the ideas to begin with.
    I’ve got a broad based patent filed dealing with wireless enterprise connectivity, awarded in 2005. There are a couple fortune 500 companies out there stepping on it, but as a little guy it’s not sensible for me to chase it. If the tables were turned, I’d be up to my eyeballs in legal fees and violations. For now I sit in the weeds gathering evidence waiting for someone to line item a large profit.

  7. musk
    a strong-smelling reddish-brown substance that is secreted by the male musk deer for scent-marking and is an important ingredient in perfumery.
    a relative of the monkey flower that was formerly cultivated for its musky perfume, which has been lost in the development of modern varieties.

  8. Thanks for the memo Eloi Musk! You’re a jerk, shit-clown, unicorn riding, rainbow jumping, snowflake. Shadddd-UP! Tesla would be embarrassed to be associated with you. You’re just like Edison, and he was and asshole too!

  9. Let’s see how many “Everyman” Model 3’s you’re going to sell in the unknown future. If it’s an electric Edsel, you’ll go crawling back to the White House with a tin cup and a great big smile.

    Your ex says you’re bad news; I think she’s probably giving you the benefit of the doubt.

  10. I have never heard anyone deny that climate change is real. So you’re right there Elon. BTW that includes Trump, Elon, I have never heard Trump deny that climate change is real.
    I think you’re trying to cheat the argument in your favor. Again.

  11. Can’t add a whole lot to the comments made so far. Musk has been a hustler for most of his life and I suspect is pissing his pants right now. If Trump start to pull the feds out of all the dodgy companies out there Elon could be revealed for the fraud he is and the frauds he has run. Having said that, the bastard will never be broke and pulling coffee’s at a Starbucks like he should be.

  12. I’m going against the grain here a bit. Elon Musky is doing what Trump did 20 years ago with bankruptcy laws. Elon Musk is one brilliant sob. Think naught, Google up that SpaceX landing of that Rocket on the offshore barge. Amazing, unparalleled Engineering. Unfortunately Musk is not a Patriot. Yet.

  13. Joe my only point is he’s not a stupid man. He has a fiduciary responsibility to his investors. But some some place he should have a responsibility to his country. He games the system like others have.

  14. Oh no, he is not a stupid man, hell I would like to be half as smart as he is. He is a classic globalist, multi-billionaire which almost defines him as an enemy of guys like you and me. We’re supporting ourselves by what we do and he is building his wealth by securing taxpayer subsidies for pie in the sky bullshit. Fuck him!

  15. Joe, you’re probably right. But the truth is this guy is a freaken genus. Not unlike Trump. So disparaging his intellegence level like others have done is not accurate. Let’s hope we can get guys like this on our team. If not, shoot em.

  16. This is a good time for private industry to get involved with the space program. It’s the natural course of events. However, if he was so altruistic he would be proud of whatever he thought his home land was and to do everything he could to help it excel. I don’t see any allegiance from him for anything other than himself.

  17. Remember when eccentric billionaires put their own cash up for their own schemes, like Howard Hughes, instead of nursing on the federal teat like Musk?

  18. The purpose of the hoax is to defeat and abolish capitalism.

    This is how the resistance to it should be framed.

    Extreme poverty and control over everyone except those in power.

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