Elon Musk Has Moved To Texas – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Has Moved To Texas

Daily Wire: Speaking in an interview on Tuesday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed he has left California and moved to Texas.

Musk, who has had more than one home in Los Angeles and one in the Bay Area, made the announcement at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council annual summit in an interview with editor-in-chief Matt Murray.

Musk’s move comes after months of him openly criticizing the state of California’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of April, speaking on a Tesla earnings call on Wednesday, Musk ramped up his rhetoric about shelter-in-place orders around the nation, calling them “fascist.” Musk stated, according to The Verge.

“We are a bit worried about not being able to resume production in the Bay Area, and that should be identified as a serious risk,” said Musk. “The expansion of shelter-in-place, or as we call it, forcibly imprisoning people in their homes, against all their constitutional rights, is, in my opinion, breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong, and not why people came to America and built this country. What the f***!” more

20 Comments on Elon Musk Has Moved To Texas

  1. SNS, do you know anything about his politics and whether they are “ruinous” or not?

    Since he thinks Newsom and his Draconian Covid rules are “fascist”, and since he understands the value of a dollar, free markets and is a capitalist, he is already head and shoulders above your typical California leftist loon.

    I totally get abandoning this sinking ship but why Texas? Both sales and property taxes are way too high there for my liking, much better alternatives elsewhere.

  2. Can we move the nation’s Capital to Texas, please? While we’re at it, let’s hire new employees who are actual patriots to help President Trump run the Government.

    Don’t bother draining the SWAMP. Fire it.

  3. He’s the Pied Piper.
    Lots will follow!
    Unfortunately when the property values eventually plummet to nickels on the dollar the chinks and uncle george will be snapping up all the real estate!

  4. Seems like a good move. He’ll be employing lots of new people, many with technical backgrounds and not the liberal arts types that sway to the left. Good for Texas and another example of why California is nearly a lost cause.
    I hope the recall of the CA Gov gathers steam!

  5. Good riddance, maybe we can turn this State red again. Have fun in Texas, now you will be paying higher taxes for more schools, roads, and all that comes with a population explosion. More air for me to breathe!

  6. @Left Coast Dan: Silicone Valley and the Bay Area are mostly liberal. Looks like Elon moved his company to liberal Austin, TX.

    His other privately held company, SpaceX, is planning a launch site in Boca Chica, Texas. Bloomberg reported Monday that Musk had moved his foundation to Austin, another signal that he had or was about to make the jump to Texas.


  7. “With the election of the psycho DA that LA just elected, LA is doomed to be San Fran #2.

    So sad. We need to secede.”

    I voted (san fernando valley) to secede from LA back in the 90s.
    The county made the election open to have LA county itself vote, and we lost because of the city of LA. The city wants to suck up the tax money the valleys bring in because the inner cities and the illegals aren’t paying for shit.


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