Elon Musk Issues Ultimatum- Commit To ‘hardcore’ Twitter Or Get Out – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Issues Ultimatum- Commit To ‘hardcore’ Twitter Or Get Out

PM: Tech billionaire Elon Musk has given his employees at Twitter an ultimatum – formally commit to doing “extremely hardcore” work by Thursday evening, or face termination.

A midnight internal email from the social media platform’s new owner, obtained by the Washington Post, was titled “A Fork in the Road” in the subject line.

“Going forward, to build a breakthrough Twitter 2.0 and succeed in an increasingly competitive world, we will need to be extremely hardcore. This will mean working long hours at high intensity,” Musk wrote in the email, which appeared to have been sent to all employees.

“Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade,” he said.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO went on to describe how the platform will be “much more engineering-driven,” and then handed down the ultimatum. 

“If you are sure that you want to be part of the new Twitter, please click yes on the link below,” he wrote before inserting a link to an online survey form. more here

9 Comments on Elon Musk Issues Ultimatum- Commit To ‘hardcore’ Twitter Or Get Out

  1. Leftists: It is wrong to expect people to work hard at their jobs or get fired.

    Also Leftists: Any employee who does not get an experimental substance shot into their bodies should be fired!

  2. Nice! This old school development. I remember long days and all nighters. About time these pampered millennials/GenZ learn what high tech used to be like….

    That said, we got fed too by the companies we worked for but not on a daily basis and not three meals a day either. If you were working late, yes, but you had to justify why and not take advantage of it.

  3. You think a lot of them would be eager to be part of something really special – that would make them rich. But, most of them seem to want to be in an adult playground, sucking their thumbs. I’m telling ya: follow the money on this, and you’ll find that YOU AND I have somehow been paying for Twitter’s largesse.


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