Elon Musk notifies Twitter he is terminating deal – IOTW Report

Elon Musk notifies Twitter he is terminating deal

MSNBC: Billionaire Elon Musk wants to end his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter, according to a letter sent by a lawyer on his behalf to the company’s chief legal officer Friday.

But Twitter’s board chair Bret Taylor said the company is still committed to closing the deal at the agreed-upon price and plans to pursue legal action to enforce the agreement.

“We are confident we will prevail in the Delaware Court of Chancery,” Taylor wrote.

Twitter shares were down about 6% after hours on Friday.

In the letter, disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Skadden Arps attorney Mike Ringler said that “Twitter has not complied with its contractual obligations.”

Ringler claimed that Twitter did not provide Musk with relevant business information he requested, as Ringler said the contract would require. Musk has previously said he wanted to assess Twitter’s claims that about 5% of its monetizable daily active users (mDAUs) are spam accounts. more

15 Comments on Elon Musk notifies Twitter he is terminating deal

  1. Their stock is going to tank and never come back. Their board has proven that it is utterly incompetent and will screw investors in order to push their fascist woke bullshit.

  2. Twatter:
    A few months ago: YOU CAN’T BUY US!!!!
    Today: YOU MUST BUY US!!!!
    Let’s hope this was his intent all along – to expose them for the commies they really are and to drive their stock price into the ground.

  3. Tommy

    How about you fuck off CNN Zombie. Fucking little pussy, safe behind his key board. Hopefully you own a MAGA hat you can quickly throw on so you don’t get shot when things go sideways. And it’s getting close.

  4. @ Brad July 8, 2022 at 10:42 pm

    > Hopefully you own a MAGA hat you can quickly throw on so you don’t get shot when things go sideways.

    You don’t… scale.

    You… might?… want to work on that.

  5. Musk had to know, going in, that Twitter is populated by liars.
    Just as a “fish rots from the head” a corporate “personality” or “culture” starts at the top – and Twitter is one of the propaganda organs of nihilistic totalitarianism – thus – dishonest through and through.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I stated here a while back when Elon was first started his bid to take over Twitter. He was already the largest stak4e owner, he already had a say on how the company is run. I stock will go low and Elon will buy up all the shares, he will have beat them at their own game. Go ahead and sue Elon, can’t wait for the disclosure part – Twitter has to release it all. He’ll show just what a fraud Twitter was all along.

    I’m with Jordan Peterson, I refuse to delete a comment I made3 that they didn’t like. Too bad, like Jordan I’d rather die than delete a Tweet.

  7. Never used Twatter.

    I wouldn’t have wanted to buy it given that everyone is on Tic Toc (don’t use that either) & most of its users are leftist Bastards.

    HOWEVER, I DO appreciate how Musk EXPOSED the Fraud, incompetence, & severe BIAS at the company.

    Who knows what his real end game is but personally I would have bought Extra Farm land with a Big Chunk of that money to raise REAL MEAT.


  8. Doubt Elon signed an “as is” purchase agreement.

    Alex Berenson just settled a deal against Twitter and was allowed back on the platform. Stated in his first post he will release discovery of “govt involvement” of pressure to censure in due time.

    THIS is the smoking gun, not a bunch of bots.

  9. Even though I normally agree with Brad, he is a bit of a dick. He’s made multiple threats to folks offering to beat them up.
    He’s right though, Tommy, you’re a pussy.

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