Elon Musk Opens Up About Eldest Son Coming Out As Trans – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Opens Up About Eldest Son Coming Out As Trans


Billionaire Elon Musk opened up Monday about his biological son coming out as transgender, telling prominent Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson that his son was “killed by the woke mind virus.”

During the discussion hosted by Peterson, the psychologist brought up Musk’s recent move to pull his company’s headquarters, SpaceX, from California after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the new Assembly Bill 1955, which allows schools to refrain from notifying parents of their child’s sexuality or gender identity. Musk explained his decision on the move, leading to Peterson questioning him on why he was willing to make “gender affirming care” an “issue.”  more

12 Comments on Elon Musk Opens Up About Eldest Son Coming Out As Trans

  1. All the money in the world can’t keep the evil from attacking our children. When people beg parents to take their children out of public schools, or even private “progressive” schools, they are only looking after the well-being of the children.

    Evil has taken over the government.

  2. Distracted parenting. How could a man who is as astute and genius about everything else ever get “tricked” into something as life-altering as this? Even if he could not personally look into such a convoluted situation, he surely had the means to dedicate someone to fully research and advise him on the ramifications of his son taking puberty blockers.

    Not sure what to make of Musk. In many ways he’s way too Promethean for me. Just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be.

    Why didn’t he know the ideological leanings of the school his son was attending? It seems he is too quick to lay all the blame at the feet of others.

  3. …and, all the studies and stats now tell us that his son will either “de-transition” or commit suicide in about five years. Which, if his body hadn’t been fooled with, would be about the same time the kid would have dropped the whole “transgender” thing and started living peaceably in his God-given body.

    The most outrageous aspect to all this is that those who advocate for so-called transgenderism will get off scott free, having left a wake of destruction and despair.

  4. The Sword of Damocles

    You can’t do all the Musk does and have the raising of your children as a serious priority in your life. He is human and has made his choices. And those choices yield repercussions.

    BTW Elon, if you’re reading this (HIGHLY unlikely, I know), your son was NOT “killed”. And in the words of the BEST carmaker ever, Henry Ford:
    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, either way, you’re right.”

    So quit tweeting and rescue that son. Or just shuddup, sir.

    Doesn’t he have more than a few chillruns?

  5. another example of the non existent expert class. leave no stone unturned when making decisions for loved ones. our time in the history of man is cult member accumulation. be your own advocate, medically, financially, emotionally, politically. the only safe path is lone ranger with very few tantos. think survival. the truth is out there, but difficult to find, the truth will set you free.

  6. I don’t understand some of the responses. Did not people during covid trust the doctors about the”jab.” Many people had their child take it and now some of those children are sick. Now we are not so trusting. Musk is a genius but that doesn’t mean he knows everything about everything. Even Dr. Carson who is a genius operating on children’s brains might not do to well with a heart transplant. its obvious to me Musk feels terrible guilt.

  7. To blame Musk any more than we blame any parent for falling for an evil lie is terribly unkind.

    He has seen the harm, he has admitted to being fooled by evil liars (Lying about risk of suicide, lying by omission of long term effects).

    Just because he is Elon Musk and some may disagree with him on other issues, he was brave to come out with this and admit his faults.

    His fame in talking about this may help other parents avoid making the same mistakes.

    I am praying for him and for his son and all who are caught in evil.

  8. Graceia — Yes, I was one of those upthread who was unkind. I don’t know, though. Musk’s a real powerhouse when it comes to common sense, his X’s are testament to that. I agree that he is very brave and selfless to raise the issue and speak from his heart, so that others may avoid the same fate with their kids. He did good in that.


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