Elon Musk posted a poll on Twitter about free speech – IOTW Report

Elon Musk posted a poll on Twitter about free speech

Elon Musk noted that “free speech is essential to a functioning democracy,” and then asked a poll question:

7 Comments on Elon Musk posted a poll on Twitter about free speech

  1. I submit that the poll is skewed because there are more dem Twitter users than GOP’ers.

    If a true cross-section of the country was polled, the results would be more like 85% think Twitter is no proponent of free speech.

    Since dems by nature are more shallow and “herd” like, requiring constant outside validation and peer support for their mental health.

    Poll the members here on this site and I bet a small minority use Twitter at all, finding it constricting, biased, and a poor source for anything uplifting or healthy.

  2. “And twatter won’t shut him down because he is too big to cancel.”

    I don’t see him as bigger than Trump.

    If Musk is a threat, they’ll shut him down. World domination is at hand by hook or crook.


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