Elon Musk Shreds WaPoo For Doing “No Research” – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Shreds WaPoo For Doing “No Research”

Trending Politics: Elon Musk is firing back at a Washington Post hit piece that claims that he had “reinvented Twitter” to benefit “Himself.”

The Washington Post’s story accused Musk of manipulating Twitter for his own benefit at the cost of user experience:

That approach was illustrated dramatically this week when the site Platformer reported Twitter had made major algorithmic changes — on Musk’s orders — that resulted in users seeing the billionaire’s tweets first. Musk had been worried that his engagement was declining: His tweet throwing support behind the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl had not performed as well as President Biden’s, for example. The fix that Twitter rolled out pushed Musk’s tweets to the top of many users’ feeds, something widely noted by users. […]

Musk is a prolific Twitter user who has a penchant for tweeting his mind and sometimes landing himself in trouble in the process. Appearing in court last month over an infamous 2018 tweet declaring he had “Funding secured” to take Tesla private at $420 a share, Musk said he sees the site as an effective way to communicate with the public, both to disseminate company information and “memes.”

Musk blasted the story as obviously “false.” Where else? On Twitter.

“Your article is false and obviously so,” he wrote. “Do you really do no research at all? I mean, like reading a few tweets, for example.” MORE

3 Comments on Elon Musk Shreds WaPoo For Doing “No Research”

  1. It sure looks like they are pulling every last thread to hide msDNC absolute warmongering saturday. ICYMI . . .

    msNBC reports that everything you hear and see is false
    It’s all fake news
    None of it is true
    The media is lying

    YES . . .

    You read that right.

    msNBC reported today Saturday the 18th day of February and the year of 2023 that everything you are hearing in those other media places is all fake news. And under no circumstances should you stop sending money and bombs and guns and tanks and planes and more money to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.

    Go check the record and transcripts and video clips of today, saturday, february 18th when posted.

    They are saying it is all fake news.
    And to send more Money. Today. Right now.
    Send it all. Everything you got.

    YCNMTSUP 2/18/23

  2. So what if he did? According to the same worthless cocksuckers that are all butthurt about losing total control of the media “they can do anything they want to, if you don’t like it start your own.”

  3. WaPo is a propaganda organ of Nihilistic Totalitarianism and the Demonrat Party – NOT a news organization.

    Has been for decades – AND everybody knows it! Even the stupid slap-heads who nod their heads saying “yup … uh huh … yup” while reading the garbage KNOW that it’s ALL BULLSHIT – ALL THE TIME.
    They don’t care – they’re either drunk or stoned – just waiting for their EBTs to be refilled. They use the WaPo when “The View” or “Orca” aren’t on.

    Musk shouldn’t waste his time on them … but it’s his time, so … whatever …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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