Elon Musk: ‘The Head of Bioethics at NIH Is His (Fauci’s) Wife’ – IOTW Report

Elon Musk: ‘The Head of Bioethics at NIH Is His (Fauci’s) Wife’

Musk is a little late to the party, but at least he’s talking about it.

SlayNews: Twitter boss Elon Musk found some dirt on Dr. Anthony Fauci and went public on his social media platform to devastating effect.

Musk has raised the alarm over a glaring conflict of interest regarding Fauci that we should have known about a long time ago before calling him out over gain-of-function research.

In several posts on Twitter, Musk shared information about Fauci with his followers.

Musk said: “Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife.

“‘Gain-of-function’ in this context is just another way of saying ‘bioweapon.’

“Some good nuggets in article.

“Important to note that Fauci authored 2012 paper arguing for gain-of-function research!

“Obama wisely put this on pause, but Fauci restarted it.

“Despite these glaring issues, Twitter nonetheless had an internal Slack channel unironically called ‘Fauci Fan Club.’ more here

6 Comments on Elon Musk: ‘The Head of Bioethics at NIH Is His (Fauci’s) Wife’

  1. A lot of people have been trying to point that out on Twitter and other platforms (and in person to their families and friends, neighbors, and coworkers) for a couple of years. But they were censored and derided.

    It may be old news to us ‘conspiracy theorists,’ but I’m glad the new owner of Twitter is getting the truth out to the masses.

  2. Yawn. This is all Trump’s baby he fastracked the vaccines & he was the big boss man. Trump new this. hell Donny had his whole family doing odd jobs on the government dime. This is a big nothin berder.

  3. Maybe now he can reveal to those in the dark just how much money the Fauci clan made off the death jabs.

    Speaking of death jabs. I know 4 people personally whose toddler grandchildren have gotten hospitalized with RSV. I know RSV has always been dangerous for infants, so that is not new, but usually toddlers recover more quickly. Two of the toddlers recovered like most toddlers usually do, a few nights in the hospital on oxygen and breathing treatments and sent home. Two others are not recovering and being put on vents and feeding tubes. A very small sample, but the parents and grandparents of the two very ill all have been jabbed and boosted. We all know about the shedding and of course shedding is going to be worse on those who have extended close contact, but what we or I least I don’t know how long do these things shed and once they’ve shed on you, are you technically a ticking time bomb yourself?

  4. NIH has no ethics.
    Another of those jobs like Moose Obola had with that Chicago Hospital.
    Do nothing, don’t show up … get a fat paycheck.

    Used to be called “graft” but now it’s called “gov’t service.”

    One of the reasons the FedGov is so over bloated is the sheer magnitude of parasites the taxpayers are carrying – probably 75% of total Fed employment.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. My oldest daughter had an RSV virus shortly after she was born in Jan. 1986. Fortunately, after putting her in an incubator for a few days, she recovered and will be 37 in a couple of weeks. It was scary then for both my wife and I, but now it’s made out to be far worse because of the so-called tripledemic which is deliberately causing people to panic.

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