Elon Musk to Tucker: ‘They’re Training the AI to Lie’ – IOTW Report

Elon Musk to Tucker: ‘They’re Training the AI to Lie’

MRC: Twitter owner Elon Musk didn’t mince words about the major threat that the explosion of artificial intelligence technology poses to society. He also blew the lid off the true severity of the government’s access to Twitter users’ data.

“What is happening is that they’re training the AI to lie,” Musk told Fox News host Tucker Carlson during the Apr. 17 edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight. He said that AI was being trained to “either comment on some things, not comment on other things, but not to say what the data actually demands that it say.”

Musk stated that Google in particular had a near monopoly on AI talent going back years and rebuked former Google CEO Larry Page as not seeming “to care about [AI] safety.” What Page was vying for in his AI pursuits at Google, said Musk, was the equivalent of a “digital god.”

Tucker asked Musk if it was “conceivable that AI could take control and reach a point where you couldn’t turn it off and it would be making the decisions for people?” Musk agreed that this was in fact a possibility: “Absolutely.”

Musk said that he was “worried about the fact that it’s being trained to be politically correct, which is simply another way of being untruthful, saying untruthful things… that is certainly a path to AI dystopia, is to train AI to be deceptive.” In response, Musk promised to create a more honest artificial intelligence of his own called “TruthGPT”.  MORE

19 Comments on Elon Musk to Tucker: ‘They’re Training the AI to Lie’

  1. AI will NEVER be able to compete with the liars in congress & government.
    AI can’t replace Tont Fauci, no way!

    Per the covid report, the chinks were working on a covid vax way before they admitted covid existed.
    “November 2019 also appears to be the timeframe that PLA researchers began development of at least two SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. …”

  2. The elections are still going to be rigged in their favor because they can’t afford to lose no matter what.
    They are going to release more viruses.
    They’re putting their poison vaccines in our food.
    The same protocols at hospitals that killed thousands are going to still be there. Short list.
    My conclusion is they want most us dead and they’re going to see to it.

  3. ^^^^^ Link it. I follow Elon pretty close. He impresses the hell out of me. I can see where AI might have it’s place in Space X. Are you sure your not typing about his chip implant efforts? Just as bad. Just as dangerous. It looks like he’s de funded those efforts. But the point is I think your shooting blanks with Musk and AI.

  4. And it will be effective too.

    The average person who does not work on a deeper level than user has a HUGE technology bias and will believe anything on a computer screen, especially if the computer itself “said” it. They do not realize computers are programmed by humans and so do as humans program them to do.

    Also a computer lies with a straight face no human ever can. It neither knows nor cares what a lie and what the truth is, it again simply does what it is programmed to do, so you can’t shake it from it’s “truth” because it “knows” no other “truth”, and has no ‘tells’ of expression or voice that a human might, just a pattern etched in pixels that will be regarded as though in stone by the casual user.

    Don’t sell evil short. This will be a VERY effective tactic.

  5. Again,

    “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

  6. AI is happening regardless who creates it.
    Some will definitely program and use it for nefarious purposes. Will Elon? Perhaps.

    The first thing the creators of robots did was to throw the ‘3 Laws of Robotics’ out the window.

  7. In the interview Elon explains everything.
    Of course he has invested in AI, but he certainly was open about it.
    Not 2-faced in any way whatsoever.
    Dude wants to go to Mars for crying out loud!

    He’s currently sounding the alarm about opening Pandora’s Box.

  8. “He (Musk) said that AI was being trained to “either comment on some things, not comment on other things, but not to say what the data actually demands that it say.”

    Sounds like the network news.


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