Elon Musk Warns Against Vilifying Oil & Gas Industry in Trump Interview – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Warns Against Vilifying Oil & Gas Industry in Trump Interview

Breitbart: Elon Musk, the CEO of electric vehicle company Tesla, defended the oil and gas industry during an interview with former President Donald Trump on his social media platform X.

The Verge reports that during the much-anticipated livestream, Musk and Trump covered a wide range of topics, including immigration, inflation, and foreign policy. However, it was their discussion on energy and climate change that caught many off guard, as Musk, a proponent of sustainable energy, came to the defense of the fossil fuel industry.

Listen to the entire interview here:

10 Comments on Elon Musk Warns Against Vilifying Oil & Gas Industry in Trump Interview

  1. As it turned out this was not an interview. It was two of the most intelligent biz guys around just shooting the shit for two hours. And it was awesome. It has the Libtard Communists heads still spinning. It was two hours but it seemed like 15 minutes. Just got through listening to it.

  2. And as an Off Topic Warning

    There is a turd down in Louisana, New Orleans
    That is saying lots of sh#tty things about Trump, right now, today.
    On a podcast channel.
    Always ragging on Trump while at the EXACT time (not literally) he runs a Pro-Trump Push Cart flogging tourist merch operation in the Big Easy.
    When he’s not flogging and secretly recording tourists, he runs a podcast where he bitches incessently that nobody gives him anything and he’s pissed. He can’t get a wife, he can’t find The Life and he wants the shooting to start and he claims he will do anything to help it.

    Oh, also, he’s an Alex Jones follower and still maintains 9-11 was a faked, explosive mines were pre-planted in the second tower.

    The dude is just a moron and should just be ignored, however, he is flogging Trump merch and there be may be reason for a C&D against him.

    Just an FYI.

    Guy goes by the handle of Bad Ass Uncle Sam. Mike D. Berry.
    A Dingleberry through and through.

  3. Reading the EU panic statements trying to get Elon to censor this and that WaPo reporter asking Raggedy StPierre if the WH was doing anything to stop the interview was kind of funny. They sounded so desperate. Oh, the hate speech! Oh, the “disinformation” (nice way of saying lying), etc.
    When I listened to it last night it was a positive vision for the US and the world. Policies to lift up Americans. Policies and plans to produce energy to help bring down the costs and prices of everything. Secure border.
    All of it.
    No lies.
    No “hate speech”, unless they count saying you believe in God an almost being killed solidified that belief.
    Ya, that’s probably the “hate speech” they whined about right there.
    If leftists’ ideas were so great they wouldn’t need to try to shut anyone up.

  4. Musk is fully aware of how many products are fully or partially made from oil, and how deep the shit we would be in if all of a sudden our wise overlords just outlawed it. Something that I haven’t heard mentioned, like ever, is if gasoline and diesel engines are banned, what the hell are they going to do with all of the gasoline and diesel fuel that is left over. You can’t just wave a magic wand and turn it into something else.

  5. RE: That Dan Happel

    Is it just me???

    Can anyone remember the 1990s and a dude name Steve Forbes?
    All the SNL Time?

    Look at that Happel. Who just came back from vacation according to the above video, in order to flog his latest gold group.

    Should there be a Dorian Gray painting hanging in that log cabin out in ole Montana Wilds.

    It’s uncanny. They mumble talk the same too.

    Makes one go hmmmmmm.


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