Email: Clinton campaign called Bill de Blasio a terrorist – IOTW Report

Email: Clinton campaign called Bill de Blasio a terrorist

FOX: Two top Hillary Clinton campaign officials branded New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “a terrorist” after the Democrat praised her primary opponent Bernie Sanders and said he wouldn’t attend an upcoming Clinton rally, according to emails released by WikiLeaks.

In the June 2015 exchange, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook and spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri respond to tweets reporting on de Blasio’s comments during an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press” in which he declined to endorse Clinton.

In the tweets sent to Mook and Palmieri, de Blasio is quoted saying he was not attending a Clinton rally as he was “waiting to hear … her larger vision to addressing income inequality.”

Another tweet quotes de Blasio as saying, “I’ve always liked what i heard from Bernie Sanders.”

Mook communicates his shock at the mayor’s comments in a one-line email to Palmieri: “Wow. What a terrorist.”

“Told you!” responds Palmieri.  MORE


2 Comments on Email: Clinton campaign called Bill de Blasio a terrorist

  1. You have to wonder what level NYC has descended to when a few years ago they elected Rudy and now this POS commie fucker is mayor. WTF?

    Anyway, I guess even commie POSs can get it right once in a while. Imagine what Hillary will do when she has the power of the presidency.

  2. Hell sakes just call him a DemocRAT and you have said and intimated the same thing. DemocRATs and terrorism go together like a horse and carriage! You can’t have one without the other!

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