Email from Clinton ally: Apologies are her ‘Achilles heel’ – IOTW Report

Email from Clinton ally: Apologies are her ‘Achilles heel’

FOX: It took weeks for Hillary Clinton to say she was sorry for using a private email account while secretary of state — perhaps no surprise to those who know her.

According to new documents published by Wikileaks, Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden noted in a September 2015 exchange with Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta that “apologies are like her Achilles heel.”

The emails, which come from Podesta’s hacked account, show how much the debate over an apology consumed her aides and supporters.

Tanden’s email was part of a conversation that took place shortly after Clinton gave a partial apology when defending her use of a private email server during a Sept. 4, 2015 interview with Andrea Mitchell of NBC News.

“At the end of the day, I am sorry that this has been confusing to people and has raised a lot of questions,” she said when asked about communicating on private email during her time at the State Department.

Tanden observed in the email to Podesta that “she didn’t seem like a b—- in the interview” and that she would “get to a full apology in a few interviews.”

Podesta lamented, “No good deed goes unpunished. Press takeaway was the whine of but ‘she really didn’t apologize to the American people’ I am beginning to think Trump is on to something.”  MORE

10 Comments on Email from Clinton ally: Apologies are her ‘Achilles heel’

  1. If the old queen bitch did condescend to apologize for all her miscues, lies, misstatements, fraud, theft, traitorous behavior, and graft she would have no time to do anything else.

  2. Another benchmark to Gramma Cankles and her psyche. She feels no need to lie further (totally out of character for her, btw) by playacting at being sorry for being caught. We see the whole ugly picture, like a Shakespearean play, and await the final scene where the star witch drops dead on stage.

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