EMAIL: Hillary should ‘beat s**t out of staffer’ to appear ‘charming’ in interview – IOTW Report

EMAIL: Hillary should ‘beat s**t out of staffer’ to appear ‘charming’ in interview

AmericanMirror: Hillary Clinton accuses Donald Trump about not having the “temperament” to be president of the United States, but a newly released email from one of Hillary’s advisors sheds new light on her apparent pent-up rage.

Neera Tanden, who was an advisor in Clinton’s State Department, and is now president of the Center for American Progress, emailed campaign chairman John Podesta last fall and suggested Hillary “beat the sh!t” out of a staffer so she can blow off some steam and come across as “warm and charming” during a TV interview.

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SNIP: Well somebody got their a$$ beaten for practice because she’s never been “warm and charming”.

5 Comments on EMAIL: Hillary should ‘beat s**t out of staffer’ to appear ‘charming’ in interview

  1. I saw a guy today on the highway with a “Hillary/Kaine” bumper sticker, and a “Keep Christ in Christmas” bumper sticker. Yes, they drive among us, and they vote.

  2. It’s her inner demonic influences [yes I’m serious], familiar spirits can cause people to act and do things that seem crazy, violent or unnatural. Hillary has severe symptoms of this, add in what we know about her practicing and experiencing the occult… and there you have it, not so far fetched a conclusion after all.

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