EMAIL: Reporter shared secret Benghazi committee document with Hillary campaign – IOTW Report

EMAIL: Reporter shared secret Benghazi committee document with Hillary campaign

AM- A bombshell email reveals a Reuters reporter shared a secret document from the Benghazi investigation committee with Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Reuters American investigative correspondent Mark Hosenball emailed Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta on April 21, 2015, telling him Hosenball had “a rather interesting document which outlines in detail the principal current objectives of the House Benghazi Committee,” and that he was willing to show it to Clinton campaign operatives, according to an email published by WikiLeaks.

“If you are anywhere near 1333 H in next day or two I might even show the document to you (I’m out on Thursday, however) though I am reluctant to hand out copies at this stage,” Hosenball wrote to Podesta.  more

9 Comments on EMAIL: Reporter shared secret Benghazi committee document with Hillary campaign

  1. I’m hearing pundits say it is dangerous for Trump to make statements like “The lying media is biased and dishonest and the system is rigged.” That people will lose faith and respect for the government.
    But the Podesta Wikileaks are proving without a doubt that the lying media is biased and dishonest and the system is rigged.
    Trump is merely speaking the Truth.

  2. I was talking to my 90 year old neighbor, who does not have (or want) internet access and basically only gets his news from CBS, NBC and ABC, who learned how to read people a looong time ago. Even he says every time he sees Hillary he sees a act. She comes across as being phony snake oil salesman. There is nothing whatsoever genuine about her.

  3. Joe said: “I’m hearing pundits say it is dangerous for Trump to make statements like “The lying media is biased and dishonest and the system is rigged.” That people will lose faith and respect for the government.”

    Trump is only reinforcing what the public thinks of the media. I hope he keeps saying it because it is the truth. At this point in time the real news will get out. The more we email our friends and family about what’s going on, the more people will see the truth. Businesses get business by word of mouth, so shall the truth be learned.

  4. He’s getting hosenballed on Twitter. He doesn’t seem to have his own account. People are tweeting Reuters, Gowdy, Greenwald…. He used to be an investigative reporter for Newsweek…..loser.
    He seems to love all matter of spy stuff. He thinks he is one.

  5. Every time I see a picture of Clinton Crime Family henchman Podesta, he reminds me of David Strathairn, the character actor who is always convincingly playing bad guys in movies like the Bourne movies.

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