Email reveals deal planned between Hunter Biden and Mark Zuckerberg – IOTW Report

Email reveals deal planned between Hunter Biden and Mark Zuckerberg

P M L:

A recently revealed email from a business associate of Hunter Biden’s reveals plans of a potential deal between the two of them and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

The email in question is from well-known Hunter business associate Devon Archer to a certain Jason Galanis.

Archer has been the subject of continued scrutiny due to evidence coming to light recently regarding his many business dealings all over the world which can possibly be construed as problematic, according to critics.

In the text of the email thread, Archer mentions, in response to something Galanis sends him:

“This is great. I will have some edits shortly. One big [edit] is that Zuckerberg is investing in the Veterans vertical. We’ll own 50% of the business at BTC Global holdco we’re investing in but he’s going to own 50% of the vertical PTSD in his and his partners for profit foundation.”

Galanis responds, “Facebook zuckerberg [sic]???”

Archer emails back, “Yes.

13 Comments on Email reveals deal planned between Hunter Biden and Mark Zuckerberg

  1. That Zuckerberg schmuck, Carlos, is one of (at least) four key players in the ‘High Tech’ component of the Deep State. But the Deep State is like an octopus, each arm contributing something to the effort to kill the United States and its dominance in world affairs, including its Dollar.

  2. Turns out the Deep State is Deep and Wide. What I find amazing is we wouldn’t know anything about this Traitorous shit had Trump not been elected. And I think it’s taken him one term to figure out how bad it really is.

  3. It would be interesting to list what we think each component of the Cabal actually wants, because each one seems to want something a little different.

    The Chinese Arm: Eliminate the U.S. Military and the U.S. Dollar as the World’s currency and convert the U.S. to a Chinese-run marketplace of socially-controlled ‘citizens’ while taking control of all our resources.

    The Gates/Fauci/Pharma Arm: Control world population through a monopoly on vaccines and world-wide medical policy. Population reduction.

    The U.S. Intelligence Arm: Eliminate our representative Republic because, let’s be real, we’re TOO STUPID to govern ourselves and security is more important than freedom.

    The Green Arm: Carbon is bad, give me free shit, or we’re all going to die in an greenhouse oven! Socialism for the masses you Republican, business bastards! Die already!

    The Muslim Arm: Pretty simple, they want us DEAD while taking control of what we’ve built.

    The Democrat Arm: Power, baby. Pure, unadulterated, amoral, Hillary Clinton-type power over people. It’s the only thing that counts!

    The Media Arm: See the Democrat arm. They like being sick, envious, uninformed idiots in charge of what you think you know. Bottom line? They HATE YOUR GUTS.

    The Corporate Arm: Guaranteed, monopoly markets where the FED is used to endlessly pump money into an economy whose political system has long since died. Who cares? We’re too big to fail!!

    The FED/Banking Arm: Whatever it takes to skim 2% of your earned wealth every year, forever, regardless of what it takes to continue the scam. Print it, claim it’s real, claim it’s theirs and ‘loan’ it to you so you pay interest on it – forever. Suckers!

  4. Zuckerburg looks like a cross between Dobie Gillis and Maynard G. Krebs.
    (although I liked them much better)

    Chatsworth Osborne Jr. (Tucker Carlson) is exposing these charlatans for the foolish nerds and shortsighted fools they are.

  5. Thanks, Brad. I think they’re currently vying for power over one another. The biggest players with their noses all up in our business are now the Chinese and the Fed/Banking + Corporate Arm combo taken together (i.e., follow the money – the U.S. Government is a shrinking player). The U.S. Government’s reliance on the FED’s phony money means that their days are numbered (for both). Meanwhile, the Democrats will do ANYONE’S bidding for the right price, and the money is currently flowing from everyone. (!)

    The hardest one to fix is the FED/Banking Arm. IMO, it would require the greatest RATIONAL POLITICAL ACT by our country since the ratification of our Constitution.

    President Trump represents a single word to all the players and their goals (*): “NO!”

    * Except the FED – the verdict isn’t in on what Trump really thinks about it and might propose to do in his 2nd term.)

  6. Jimmy
    I can’t help thinking there’s a group of elites calling the shots. A shadow Government. But either way I think if someone were to go after any arm aggressively the rest of the arms would start to fold up on their own. To this day the Law Enforcement arm is still protecting the rest.

  7. I agree there must be, Brad, but the question is, who? (Or better, which ones?) Chinese influence (and now domination) has been building for decades, so they must figure all the other ‘Arms’ are simply their pawns. Communo-Nazi’s like Soros have also been at it for decades and it’s not clear if he’s truly in bed with China or not (input needed). I suspect that the ‘Intelligence Arm’ is really just the after-growth of our old ‘Military-industrial complex’ but with the dumbest leadership we’ve had in more than a lifetime (our father’s generation built the complex and won the Cold War with it, but they’re gone and the Complex now sucks big Ivy League financial donkey dicks).

    I almost added another ‘Arm:’ Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton which led to Russiagate, etc. But I now think they were acting on behalf of one or more actual Arm’s of the Cabal. They were just actors, although, for awhile, I’ll wager they both thought “I’m The One!”

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