Emails in Hillary Clinton probe dealt with planned drone strikes: WSJ – IOTW Report

Emails in Hillary Clinton probe dealt with planned drone strikes: WSJ

Reuters: Emails between U.S. diplomats in Islamabad and State Department officials in Washington about whether to challenge specific U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan are at the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The 2011 and 2012 emails were sent via the “low side” -government slang for a computer system for unclassified matters – as part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a CIA drone strike went ahead, according to congressional and law enforcement officials briefed on the FBI probe, the Journal said.

Some of the emails were then forwarded by Clinton’s aides to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York when she was secretary of state, the officials said, according to the newspaper.

Investigators have raised concerns that Clinton’s personal server was less secure than State Department systems, and a recent report by the State Department inspector general found that Clinton had broken government rules by using a private email server without approval, undermining Clinton’s earlier defenses of her emails.

The still-secret emails are a key part of the FBI investigation that has long dogged Clinton’s presidential campaign, the officials told the Journal.  MORE


3 Comments on Emails in Hillary Clinton probe dealt with planned drone strikes: WSJ

  1. what I wonder is what will the American public be willing to do about it if the beast walks away from the e-mail scandal with out being prosecuted?

    barrock targeted the public with the doj and irs along with his pen and phone. the public did nothing when the congress refused to do it’s job.

    any one awake knows the beast will probably walk on the e-mail scandal. just what is anybody going to do about it?

    is this how the great experiment in self government ends? with Americans sitting by and letting obvious charlatans and crooks rule over us with self created immunity for all their crimes?

    rule of law? my a$$!

  2. Somebody–I think on the House Intelligence Committee–was telling us about three weeks ago that Secret Server revelations were coming…revelations which would really piss us off. I think this is what he was talking about. Maybe another IOTWReporter remembers who said it. I will dig around for the exact quote.

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