Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014 – IOTW Report

Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

Yeh yeh, Durham’s all over it. *eye roll*

Memos show concerted strategy to leverage VP Joe Biden’s trip to Kiev to score Burisma Holdings deal.

Just The News: In the weeks before he landed a deal with a Ukrainian gas company in 2014, Hunter Biden strategized with his business partner on how to leverage an upcoming official trip to Kiev by his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to clinch the lucrative arrangement, according to emails obtained a year ago by the FBI.

The communications reviewed by Just the News show that the younger Biden referred to his father as “my guy” and took credit for “adding value” because the vice president made comments to Ukrainian leaders about natural gas production that might benefit his new client.  more

11 Comments on Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

  1. The FBI is a criminal enterprise.

    The Democrats have the SDNY and the Washington offices of “Justice”, as well as many others. Couldn’t the Republicans find one single prosecutor to legitimately investigate ANY of the anti-Trump corruption? Instead we have Durham stonewalling for four years, with ZERO investigation. They are ALL plotting against US.


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