Emails Show Major Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Huma for Diplomatic Passports – IOTW Report

Emails Show Major Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Huma for Diplomatic Passports

Breitbart: Newly released emails show that major Clinton Foundation donors lobbied senior Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin for diplomatic passports.

The emails, published by government watch dog group Judicial Watch, show how longtime Clinton confidant Doug Band asked then-deputy chief of staff at the U.S. Department of State Adedin to assist former aid to President Clinton Justin Cooper in obtaining diplomatic passports for himself and another unnamed party.

“We had them years ago but they lapsed and we didn’t bother getting them,” Band wrote in an email from 2009.


6 Comments on Emails Show Major Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Huma for Diplomatic Passports

  1. I’m sure Hillary doesn’t recall any of the multi-million dollar contracts and unlawful pay to play schemes initiated by her Chief of staff , Asst. Chief or her attorney.
    You know she had a concussion, comey said so.
    Besides, the elite are exempt from the law.

  2. I remember years ago being on the road, listening to Rush.
    The Monica episode hit. I was so excited!
    Yeah! They are gonna impeach that bastard Clinton.
    I was 100% certain he was gone.
    I would have bet the house.

    Today should have been the rail-gun nailing of Hillary’s political coffin.

    DON’T bet the house. Sigh 🙁

  3. Oh the places you can go and the things you can see and the things you can do and the things you can bring with you back and forth when you have a diplomatic passport.

    I should like very much to know who were issued said passports and where did they go and when did they go? I think any reasonable person could connect the dots with regards to National Security. But that is me and I don’t vote democrat- I just pray that will stay the same after I’m dead.

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