Emails Show Obama FDIC Struggled With Legal Basis For Operation Choke Point – IOTW Report

Emails Show Obama FDIC Struggled With Legal Basis For Operation Choke Point


DC: Court documents released last Friday showed evidence the Obama administration’s now-defunct operation known as Operation Choke Point had top government officials struggling to find the legal basis to persuade banks to terminate their relationships with businesses that had not committed any crimes.

The never-before-seen document release happened as a result of a summary judgment from a lawsuit filed more than four years ago spearheaded by payday lender Advance America and other industry allies against the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and other federal regulators.

The effort was known as Operation Choke Point, where Obama administration regulators tried to limit access to banking services for businesses it considered “high-risk,” like payday lenders. Emails show that FDIC administration officials struggled to figure out how to explain to banks why their institutions should be terminating their relationships with businesses that have not committed any fraud or other illegal activities. more here

8 Comments on Emails Show Obama FDIC Struggled With Legal Basis For Operation Choke Point

  1. Payday lenders are indeed a scourge upon the land, and often result in what is essentially financial slavery. However, if they are operating within the law, the government (at any level) has no business trying to shut them down by extralegal means. That way lies tyranny.

    Want to get rid of payday lenders? Change the law. Otherwise, let them be.

  2. They were strongarming banks to not provide financial services for gun manufacturers and mainly cash oriented businesses.

    Choke Point was closer to Woke Point. I don’t know that it ever ended.

  3. Finding a legal basis for their conduct has NEVER been something the left has been concerned about. Which is why we got OTHER abominations such as “Fast and Furious”. The ONLY rule the left has is WIN. Legal-Illegal, Moral-Immoral, Right-Wrong….ALL of these concepts are IRRELEVANT to the left. The only thing that matters is the agenda. The agenda is their unbridled grasp on total power. Anything that serves that agenda is acceptable.


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