Emails show the NYT got played by COVID ‘experts’ – IOTW Report

Emails show the NYT got played by COVID ‘experts’

Based Politics: The New York Times likes to think of itself as the epitome of journalism, reporting, and media coverage throughout the world. But more signs than one point to the fact that the outlet is steadily losing its prestige as it continues working to appease the ruling class rather than report the facts.

The paper’s coverage of COVID-19 Inc. is a prime example.

New emails show that one of the top scientific “experts” we were being told to trust without question throughout the pandemic, Kristian Andersen, conspired with his co-authors of the Proximal Origin report to manipulate the Times’ reporting on COVID’s origins.

Proximal Origins was the primary report used to push the mandated narrative that COVID-19 likely came from an animal transfer in the wild and was used to shut down anyone who pointed to the likelihood of the lab leak theory—which now many believe to be the true culprit. more

15 Comments on Emails show the NYT got played by COVID ‘experts’

  1. The NYSlime has fallen off the cliff of journalism since the 1930s with their fawning over Communism and lying about the Holodomor.

  2. “But more signs than one point to the fact that the outlet is steadily losing its prestige as it continues working to appease the ruling class rather than report the facts.”

    Can’t lose what you never had in the first place, at least in my lifetime. These whores spouted lies for profit and to further a political agenda, facts be damned.

  3. The authors of these stories seem to think everyone believed China Virus came from animals.
    No. Only people who never get info from anyone but the likes of NY Times and network fake news did.
    The Times doesn’t influence many people outside of liberal circles.
    This story will be squashed for as long as possible.

  4. If the government mandated the clot shot again, someone at the New York Times would calls around to make sure the Times employees were able sneak to the head of the line to get the next round. The NYTs employees would figure out ways to get their family and friends in on the one-time good deal too.

  5. “LEAK”?????????

    You’re still being fed psyops.

    There was no “leak”. Virologists from Wuhan lab for some novel unspoken reason joined teams of “inspectors” checking out the cleanliness (or something) in hotels where foreign military were going to be staying during the Military World Games in Wuhan in October 2019.


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