Embalmer alarmed by mysterious blood clots in vaccinated people – IOTW Report

Embalmer alarmed by mysterious blood clots in vaccinated people

WND: Amid indications from many different sources of a dramatic rise in the sudden onset of serious illnesses following COVID-19 vaccination, a veteran embalmer is reporting that he and more than a dozen colleagues in the industry have been noticing strange blood clots in most of their cases.

Richard Hirschman, with more than 20 years of experience in the funeral industry in Alabama, says that in mid-2021, he began noticing odd blood clots in arteries and lungs he had never seen before.

In an interview with Steve Kirsch, Hirschman said that last month, he found that 65% of his cases exhibited the clots. He told Kirsch that every one of the 15 people in the industry with whom he has spoken has observed the same alarming trend.

Kirsch is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who has applied his skills in data analysis to the pandemic, forming a group called the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, where he serves as executive director. MORE

18 Comments on Embalmer alarmed by mysterious blood clots in vaccinated people

  1. Two months after the second Pfizer jab I had a transient ischemic attack. TIA or mini stroke, caused by a brain clot. My cholesteral is low and all the scans showed normal artery plaque for my age, which was quite low. Weird stuff eh?

    And get this; six months later I had developed a very, very rare metastatic intradural melanoma of my spinal cord (surgery removed), that had developed pretty rapidly. I have no other cancer in my body.

    Go figure.

  2. TOO many instances of blood clots in otherwise healthy people for it to be a coincidence. I personally know at least 4 people who have experienced some form of blood-related problems, post-clotshot. None with prior history and all very fit and healthy.

  3. Interesting right after this interview took place, there are posts around socials claiming, “I [or someone I know] embalms and have noticed heavy clotting in people who have died from covid. Get your vaccine to protect yourself.”

    Interesting, huh?

  4. Just got word last night that my buddy’s Jab Happy, to the point of being the in the running for Mother of all Jab Nazis, sister is down for the count with severe to the point of it being debilitating joint pain and Myocarditis that is a direct result of her injections.

  5. This embalmer is finding much worse. We listened to her last night. Very revealing and alarming to her. She and her colleagues have never seen anything like this. Will Joe Rogan have her and the other embalmer mentioned on his show? Does Donald know about this as well? I suppose once you’re dead it doesn’t matter about the clots, what does matter is not to get the jab and have them start.

    EXCLUSIVE: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases died from the vaccine


    Thanks MJA for posting the info, it’s an eye opener for sure.

  6. @Smarter than a Circus Dog: Cancer is another side effect of the jab. Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough both stated early on in 2020 that the jab was spiked with HIV, and cancer is now showing up in jabbed people. I’m sad for your situation.

  7. ecp February 14, 2022 at 11:16 am

    Interesting right after this interview took place, there are posts around socials claiming, “I [or someone I know] embalms and have noticed heavy clotting in people who have died from covid. Get your vaccine to protect yourself.”

    Interesting, huh?

    Heh, Donald J.Trump is still telling people to get the jab. I bet he’s heavily invested in pharmaceuticals.

  8. Just got the word today that a neighbor was diagnosed with a fast acting spinal cancer that with a death prognosis of maybe a month. He was a very healthy 85 (hunter, outdoorsy type) and took no meds prior to experiencing extreme pain while visiting a chiropractor. He’s a liberal and took both j & j shots with 2 boosters.

    Why? You figure it out…

  9. Someone said only conservatives know.

    I have read many on FB who are as far from conservatives as you can get. What is sad is those in the prime of their life with young kids are dying now.

    There is one story that Gateway Pundit has picked up on. However, there are many on FB and if it wasn’t sad it would be funny how many democrat voters who were covidians are now regretting getting the shot, either because they now have cancer, almost died in the hospital from covid, have heart problems now, blood clots, etc. or their spouses, brothers, sisters, children, etc. have died from the shots.

    The problem is FB does their best to hide it, the media hides it and there is no way some leftist blog is going to allow it. So you only see conservatives because only conservatives will tell what they know, share what they see and only conservative blogs will let you talk about it.


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