Embarrassing — Granny-Killer Cuomo Can’t Keep His COVID Numbers Straight – IOTW Report

Embarrassing — Granny-Killer Cuomo Can’t Keep His COVID Numbers Straight


Insanity Wrap #103: Embarrassing — Granny-Killer Cuomo Can’t Keep His COVID Numbers Straight.

Stephen Green.

Insanity Wrap needs to know: How are we supposed to follow the science when it’s jumping around like a meth-addicted jackrabbit?

Answer: Don’t ask questions and believe whatever Governor Cuomo needs you to believe at any particular moment.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • It’s like a scene from Prohibition in… pot-loving Colorado?
  • ACLU goes full BLM
  • How Governor Grinch Stole Christmas

And so much more.

Image from American Digest. Go say hi.

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