Embarrassing: Ocasio- Cortez Gets Schooled On ‘Domestic Terrorism’ By FBI Official At Hearing – IOTW Report

Embarrassing: Ocasio- Cortez Gets Schooled On ‘Domestic Terrorism’ By FBI Official At Hearing

Sara Carter: I was completely confused as I watched a video of New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezat Tuesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing questioning FBI Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Michael McGarrity on why “White Supremacists” are charged differently than terrorists. She also questioned if the FBI targeted Muslims for terrorism charges, while leaving other races out of the specific charge category.

It reminded me – and in not a funny way – of the old comic routine of Abbott and Costello “Who’s On First.” I just didn’t understand where it was going.

I also didn’t understand if I was missing something, or if the questions were based on her failure to understand the law and how the FBI handles domestic and foreign terrorist prosecutions.

So to start, about 1 minute and 30 seconds into the exclusive video obtained by SaraACarter.com, Ocasio-Cortez was questioning McGarrity about “confronting white supremacy” as a terror threat. Of course, this is a very serious subject and a one that should concern everyone.

Then the questioning began.

First, Ocasio-Cortez asked McGarrity why the deadly Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, shooting in Charleston, South Carolina and the likewise deadly Tree of Life Synagogue attack in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania were not treated as domestic terrorist incidents.

“The Emanuel AME Church shooting of black Americans in Charleston and the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburg of Jewish people – that, those were only designated and charged as hate crimes, not domestic terrorist incidents. Mr. McGarrity why did the FBI not believe these were domestic terror incidents,” asked Ocasio-Cortez.


McGarrity immediately responded that she was incorrect.

“That’s not correct, I don’t know who told you that we did,” McGarrity said. “But we certainly had cases open on them. In both those cases, and I wasn’t here for the Dylann Roof case, but certainly in our own Department of Justice civil rights about three or four weeks ago there was testimony that actually stated it was a domestic terrorism event- charged in the Department of Justice Civil Rights division for a hate crime.” Roof, a 21-year old white supremacist, murdered nine African Americans during the prayer service at the church.  more here

SNIP: She was  reading from a prepared statement some idiot staffer handed her. It was pathetic.

32 Comments on Embarrassing: Ocasio- Cortez Gets Schooled On ‘Domestic Terrorism’ By FBI Official At Hearing

  1. She slaves to make a word salad and all you get is a bowl of hot air. I can see her at her bartender job trying to unscrew the top from a can of beer.

  2. She’s reading the script provided her by her handlers in Antifa….so from that perspective, she’s hit a home run because she can read a script just like obongo made love to the Teleprompter.

  3. Those poor men were wilting under that penetrating questioning.
    Actually I’m amazed they made it through that without bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

  4. Whadda ya think would happen if McGarrity just threw his hands up and said: Congresswoman, You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.!
    A. He would be fired.
    B. Held in contempt.
    C. Keelhauled by the media.
    D. Called racist, homophobe, white supremist.
    E. All of the above.

  5. I love the way she places her jaw in her hand like a real intellectual. That’s the sure sign of a thinking person; pensive and in deep thought, making sure that every word counts and every question well thought out. Brilliant, you’d say.
    The girl was recruited by left wingers for a purpose: To disrupt and confuse. She seems to be winning. The GOP is ball-less!

  6. Part of any desk jockey’s job when appearing in front of Congress is educating freshmen representatives. They don’t know shit, new in town, and almost invariably a pain in the ass.

    So, tell them why what they ask is stupid. Tell them why, then educate them about the subject. Don’t be disrespectful, just convey your expertise to the person the people sent to represent them.

    Even if it is someone in danger of drowning when it rains because they are a mouth breather.

  7. How the hell was that asshole idiot designated the chairman of a committee? Did all the adults stay home?

    It’s amazing how eager she is to display her ineptitude at EVERYTHING.

  8. No one told her that Congress must make a law so that the FBI can charge someone with Domestic Terrorism. You can’t charge someone with something that isn’t on the books.
    Maybe they should write a bill instead of going after Trump. They brought out that tired old shrink again for the 8th time to say Trump is crazy. She’s touring the LSM right now.

  9. JUNE 7, 2019 AT 8:02 PM
    Just for all those not paying attention,,
    WTF is this new addition mean,,,
    Hint, it says it when you post,,,
    best wishes to all,


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