Embarrassing Video: Stolen car speeds away from police on sidewalk outside KIRO Radio studios – IOTW Report

Embarrassing Video: Stolen car speeds away from police on sidewalk outside KIRO Radio studios

MyNorthwest: The KIRO Radio news team captured video on Wednesday from directly outside its Eastlake studio in Seattle, showing police with guns drawn on a vehicle, before the car sped away on the sidewalk. watch
h/t Joe6pak.

13 Comments on Embarrassing Video: Stolen car speeds away from police on sidewalk outside KIRO Radio studios

  1. Any cop with even a smidgen of self respect would march straight to the mayor’s office, throw his badge and gun on Harrell’s desk, yell “Fuck you!” and leave the city never to return.

    (If you’re a good cop, we’d welcome you in Florida.)

  2. “As for why police didn’t follow the driver, Huserik notes that SPD’s official policy dictates that officers in that particular situation were not permitted to stage a pursuit.”
    Really? Police are not welcome in Seattle, criminals are.

  3. The stupid law says the cops can’t stop a crime in process if they didn’t witness it from the start-or some such nonsense.

    If the cop doesn’t see the bank robber pass a note to the teller to fill his duffel bag with $100 bills-and only sees the bank robber leaving with the duffel bag-how does he know the bank robber really robbed the bank? The bank robber is assumed innocent but the cop is unable to prove otherwise.

  4. First,
    “The KIRO RADIO news team captured VIDEO…”

    …good on them, but seems a bit of an oxymoron, not really what they’re built for…

    …also, what Tony R said. I was taught to never point a loaded weapon at anything I wasn’t willing to kill.

    ….seems the SPD were taught differently…


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