Just The News: Mayor Bill Kirby reportedly planned to resign his position in wake of social media controversy.

Auburn, California Mayor Bill Kirby died on Saturday in a plane crash, officials have confirmed according to the Sacramento Bee.
Kirby had been piloting the plane, and was killed in the crash; a passenger with “minor injuries” was taken to the hospital, the outlet reported.
“Our beloved father and grandfather, Dr. William Kirby, the Mayor of Auburn, has been tentatively identified as the person killed in the plane that crashed near the Auburn Airport this morning about 10:30 a.m,” a statement from Kirby’s family posted by Sacramento political consultant Jeff Raimundo said. “Another person in the plane survived the crash. Unfortunately, we do not yet have many other details or answers.” Keep reading
Did they model the “Shrek” character’s looks on this guy? He looks like a bridge troll.
I always wondered what happened to Uncle Fester.
The Trump curse
Was Dr. Kirby flying a Bonanza?
@ Thirdtwin
That’s what I thought too. The tile & bath guy wasn’t it.
Obama ears, Schiff for brains. Good riddance, loser.
Should never fly an aeroplane when mentally distracted.
[puts pinkie in the corner of his mouth] One MILLION dollars!
for the crash and the comments that follow.
It sure has gotten ugly out there in the poliverse.
Times are rough, for certain. Lord, please help us all.
They blame Trump yet for his obviously deficient piloting skills?
R.I.P. airplane.
Huh, that’s weird, normally only Republicans and Democrats who have info on the Clintons die in plane crashes.
…anyone check his history with Hillary? Not that anything would come of it, but just for the sake of completeness…
…if Democrats were meant to be pilots they’d build aircraft seats with microphones in them, since they always talk out of their ass…
…perhaps that was the issue, he had to talk to ATC and was, uh, “repositioning”…
Since when does a Bond villain pilot his own plane?
“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.” attributed to Clarence Darrow.
WHY was he flying and not quarantining????
Hanoverfist ~ very funny! Nice touch killing them softly.
HA – HA!
– N. Muntz –
Third Twin, not a doctor killer this time. Tire fairing; Cessna, Piper?
Dr. Evil?
…I would expect Democrats to be terrible pilots anyway…
ATC: November 666, right turn and climb to FL 200.
DemPilot: I’m NOT turning RIGHT.
ATC: November 666,you have traffic at your 12 o’clock and 9 o’clock, turn right NOW.
DemPilot: I RESIST you. NO ONE tells me to turn RIGHT.
(Background TCAS warning) TRAFFIC TRAFFIC PULL UP whoop whoop PULL UP)
ATC: Delta 862, IMMEDIATE descent to avoid traffic on your nose.
*Horrendous midair crash*
Media Report: “Hundreds die in two airplanes and on the ground as a result of Covid-19. How this was caused by Trump’s refusal to listen to science and the Governor’s incrrased restrictions on leaving your house as a result, next at 11.”
Doctors crashing their airplanes is so frequent, it has become cliche. There is something in the psychology of doctors that make them think that since they have mastered one set of skills, they are automatically capable of mastering another. In other words, they aren’t as smart as they think. This guy is a perfect example. RIP.
…I’ve always wondered what the “Flying Fuck” no one gives actually LOOKED like…
Auburn was a nice little town 25 years ago when I was last there.
I’m sure it’s gone to hell like the rest of CA by now.
There has to be a Chinese virus connection, no? Another death due to that horrible virus. Rack ’em up.
Sacramento needs to keep this sort of rabble within it’s own borders. Auburn and Placer County aren’t the place for this kind of self destructing, incendiary hater.
He spread evil. The world is a better place without him.
He should have been able to glide to a safe landing with those ears.
Another Chi Com Virus death! California is due to get some virus bucks!
I came over to not say anything.
Uncle Al for the win!
I can repurpose that bullet now.
Today at lunch, Kirby and JFK Jr. were criticizing each other’s poor flying skills, when Amelia Earhart walked over and told them to ‘hold my beer’.
The Grim Reaper was at the arcade Claw Machine yelling
“George Takei – George TAKEI – GEORGE TAKEI…
Damn! Mayor Bill Kirby?” 👿
Unlike Epstein, this jerk did kill himself.
Prove me wrong.
Is Kobe still dead?….
h/t Francisco Franco…
See what happens when you fail to keep the proper social distance of six feet between persons?
I feel sorry for the airplane.
Should have stayed home like he told everyone else to.
I hope he didn’t harm any plants or animals when he hit.
Sorry for his friends and family
There were folk that loved him.
That being said…
He is the one in the KKK
Kalifornia Krash Klub
Lazlo was in the California Conservation Corps in Auburn out at the end of Cristian Valley Road at Placer Fire Center, way back in the last century.
It was a great place back then, wonder what its like now.
An abortionist had a bad day?
“dies in plane crash.” Don’t ya mean dies of Corona complications?
Well, that’s too bad. It was a really nice plane.
It was said that he wanted to be Mayor for the rest of his life ….
“Unlike Epstein, this jerk did kill himself.
Prove me wrong.”
Gravity killed him. You are wrong.
Placer county, like El Dorado county, is extremely conservative. I’m shocked this guy got elected.
I thought George “The Animal” Steele died back in 2017?
Ku Klux Karma
So I guess he’s not doing so O-KKK now.