Diogenes’ Middle Finger: It’s difficult to take seriously anything said by an uneducated blonde-headed 45 year old white guy in a hoodie pretending to be a badass black thug, who is starved for attention. The annoying and talentless entertainer Eminem, best know as a white boy anomaly in the world of Hip Hop noise, and for his amazing ability to do what 6 year old school children are good at, rhyming words, got seriously pissed off that Donald Trump continues to outright ignored him after an extremely emotional display of childlike anger and frustration in a four-minute freestyle rap at last November’s BET Hip Hop Awards. Eminem was expecting a response.
He was hoping for retaliation, and maybe some major league publicity. But it never came. Never happened. Not even a tweet. Nothing. Butthurt Soon Set In. more here
I’m a mother, ignoring a petulant child’s temper tantrum always works
Enema who?
His “palatial estate” is approx. 20 miles due east of me. Kid Rock has one of his homes approx. 20 miles northwest. If Kid was playing across the street I’d pay $100 to see him; if MM was playing across the street for FREE, I’d sweep my basement.
When your named after a chocolate candy and you’re getting old, suddenly you crave relevance.
Maybe he’d been more believable in DREAD LOCKS!
I’m looking forward to his diet album with Vanilla Ice.
He could always turn to doing Depends undergarment or Ensure commercials.
Wigger, Please!
He is to music what Pcasso was to music………..
If only the CDC would publish the results of this union,,,
M&M is short for Mindless & Mewling.
Hey, Marshall! Show us yer moobs! Maybe then I’ll care!