Emmanuel Bonaparte: Macron Declares He Will Govern Like a Roman God – IOTW Report

Emmanuel Bonaparte: Macron Declares He Will Govern Like a Roman God



Breitbart: French president Emmanuel Macron has declared he will govern France like Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, shortly after officials told the media his thought process was “too complex” for journalists to understand.

Summoning over 900 politicians from both houses of the French parliament to a rare Congress at the palace of Louis XIV – the ‘Sun King’ – in Versailles.

Such assemblies are usually reserved for times of national crisis, but the former banker used his to threaten to overrule lawmakers with a referendum if they try to frustrate the “reforms” he wishes to impose on the legislature.

Reuters reports him as saying he desires to reign as a “Jupiterian” president – “a remote, dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods, who weighs his rare pronouncements carefully”.

26 Comments on Emmanuel Bonaparte: Macron Declares He Will Govern Like a Roman God

  1. During WWI , the French were not allowed to donate blood to the War

    effort…because they all had the clap..

    What We are witnessing now is 100 years of

    “The Gift that keeps on giving”

    apparently Syphilis was a Roman God also

  2. I find it fascinating how ridiculously insane and dictatorial the worlds’ leaders look against the sanity of President Trump.

    They, like the American left, are sinking into hell holes of their own destruction.

  3. Ok, the French Army buggered up the OAS coup in the early 60’s but you learn from your mistakes and de Gaulle is dead so maybe the second times the charm. People voted for Macron because they thought he was La Pen lite and not a Holland socialist and if he turns out one his popularity goes down the crapper. The one thing the french are good at is getting out on the streets and rioting. Maybe a few of those and Macron gets taken away and locked in a room with the wife while the army cleans up.
    All kidding aside it may well come true that Europe see’s a few coup’s before the decade is over. At least I hope so or North America may become a last bastion of western civilization.

  4. In two short years or less Jupiter’s head will be tumbling into the basket of a guillotine while his mommy awaits the walk up the steps. The French are a fickle lot.

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