Emmanuel Macron and his Pro-Islamist Positions – IOTW Report

Emmanuel Macron and his Pro-Islamist Positions

ROK : Emmanuel Macron the globalist, an advocate of open borders and supported by the Rothschild bankers, has just won an overwhelming victory in the French presidential election. Current estimates predict that it will win around two-thirds of the total votes. Marine Le Pen, his nationalist opponent, was beaten without much surprise .

But would not there be a much bigger deal looming? On the sidelines of this sad day, which will probably seal the destiny of France as an Islamic colony of Arabia and North Africa, the French media had been forbidden to disclose information about a series of leaked malls Extremely embarrassing.

Jack Posobiec of the Rebel Media group became the first person to share a tweet about the revelations on Macron from the 4chan / pol / forum. These revelations assert that the new President is homosexual, has access to narcotics provided by his assistants and possess offshore bank accounts, which would make him guilty of tax evasion.

The most popular response to pirated e-mails among traditional media, not taking into account the French media that had received the legal injunction not to talk about it, is to openly accuse Russia or insinuate that it is the guilty. We can add to that a special attention on their part never to talk about what actually contain these emails.

As an example, NPR has increased in its role as a sectarian source and did not take a long time before posting his leftist sympathies in  this article . But even with easy access to the 4chan / pol / section, no mention was made of the heavy allegations about Macron that the forum mentioned, let alone the meticulous analysis by its members.

In the light of even less reliable sources, we find the British  Telegraph, which like the others, has merely joined the pack to relay unreliable “sources” such as Robby Mook, director of Hillary’s 2016 campaign Clinton. Mook and his teammates have a vested interest in claiming that Russia is the umbrella of a global conspiracy to discredit politicians, and that Trump, who has never received strong support from the media, Wall Street or academics, Of Western Left. Once again, this article and those that resemble it have totally failed to address the content of the leaked emails.

So … one of the allegations is that Emmanuel Macron is homosexual. MORE

9 Comments on Emmanuel Macron and his Pro-Islamist Positions

  1. Good deal. Please take all the Musloids into your country that you can fit.

    In 20 years we’ll be calling you Franceloids due to all the inbreeding with what’s left of your original culture..

  2. Try to remember that it’s the 4 chan twerps. Macron has been known as a centrist with maybe a slight right. Also remember the only reason he won was because all the communists and socialists were told to vote for him by their party leaders and the media. His support is about as strong as a tower of tapioca while Le Pen isn’t going away anytime soon and her support is a solid 35%. If he moves left or allows the Muslims more control expect the right to come out in force and don’t expect the French police or military to give a lot of support to Macron.

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