Emotional: Short Round urges North Korean women to have more babies – IOTW Report

Emotional: Short Round urges North Korean women to have more babies

BPR: Civic duty was put before pride as North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was caught openly weeping during a plea to “Dear Mothers” over the need to increase birth rates.

Despite globalist glee at the prospect of a diminishing world population, alarm bells have been ringing for years about the impact such developments would have on society. Even in the socialist so-called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the problem was not only apparent, but worth crying over.

Speaking Sunday from the capital city Pyongyang, Kim addressed the 5th National Meeting of Mothers, back after an 11-year hiatus, insisting that addressing population decline was “all of our housekeeping duties…”

Predicting that “North Korean birth rates are about to skyrocket,” Collin Rugg shared a clip of the address aired on Korean Central Television where the dictator could be seen dabbing his eyes before the assembly of women as he said, “Preventing a decline in birth rates and good childcare are all of our housekeeping duties we need to handle while working with mothers.” more

10 Comments on Emotional: Short Round urges North Korean women to have more babies

  1. C’mon man! There’s PLENTY of children! No joke, the Secret guys bring me fresh ones every day, hair sniffin’ fresh and everything! Hey, maybe I can send him the Black ones, (whispers) *I don’t sniff the Black ones*!

  2. This should be a lesson for everyone:

    When the gov’t is screwing you,

    Why do you raise cannon fodder for them and incredibly?


    It is only common sense to do nothing for those who screw you.

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