Employee of the month – IOTW Report

Employee of the month

[Conservative Memes]

8 Comments on Employee of the month

  1. Wish I had thought of that!

    Of course, I would have to rotate through my menagerie of dogs, cats and horses. Maybe even some of the bigger aquarium fish. I have a pleco that’s pushing 14 inches now. Name is Mongo. He stands out as a good employee – he keeps my tank algae free! 🙂 Doesn’t get any better than that!

  2. He’s certainly a good boi and deserves a reward.
    – He probably would rather have a Milk Bone than a plaque on the wall, but he’s happy with a scratch behind the ears.

  3. My cat has at least four Certificates of Completion issued by me for purrfect attendance at my online classes (despite the fact that he slept through most of the lectures).


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