Employee suspended for ‘hate crime’ of believing in two genders, beats the charges – IOTW Report

Employee suspended for ‘hate crime’ of believing in two genders, beats the charges

Restored ‘without loss of pay’

CollegeFix: A Jesuit university employee who was suspended and investigated for the “hate crime” of believing in two genders has been reinstated by the school.

Her identity was also revealed for the first time by the religious freedom law firm that took her case, the California-based Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (FCDF).

The law firm declined to tell The College Fix how it persuaded Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles to reinstate alumni relations employee Gigi Kurz and remove the black mark from her record.


8 Comments on Employee suspended for ‘hate crime’ of believing in two genders, beats the charges

  1. any place of learning that is run by Jesuits or associated with Jesuits is no more than a trade school for Communists. PERIOD.

  2. I once visited a Catholic college in San Diego (not Loyola Marymount) but couldn’t rcell if it were Jesuit. I asked a person working in the library, “Is this college Jesuit?” She said, “No, I think it’s Catholic”. Wow, so truthful and she didn’t even know it.

  3. If I were her, I’d update my resume and search for another job quick. Leave without notice (the 2 weeks notice is a courtesy, not law, not required). Nothing like a thwarted boss to make your life miserable. Since he didn’t get you one way, he’ll find another way to fire you without bennies.

  4. @MoeT ~ Kaine was doing ‘missionary’ work down in Honduras, & learned his one apparent qualification for VP (speaking Spanish), under …. you guessed it … the Jesuits …. back in the day when they were fomenting Communist Revolution in Latin America against Reagan

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