Empty Seats – IOTW Report

Empty Seats


There are only two more weekends of regular season NFL play after this weekend. However, for many teams Week 15 has become Weak 15, as many fans have once again decided to stay home.


If the reaction of the fans is any indication, the most ridiculed team of the league for attendance this weekend is the Cincinnati Bengals. Many fans took to Twitter to comment on the sparse attendance at Cincy’s Paul Brown Stadium, when Oakland Raiders came to town. MORE

21 Comments on Empty Seats

  1. I went to the first game when the Seahawk stadium was brand new and I went to a game fifteen years ago and really don’t care if I ever see another pro football game. I’m usually hunting anyway, but when I am not it is a good time to go to Costco. I think the Seahawks are still popular around here.

  2. “Christmas shopping, soccer games in the snow, oh, and the overpriced food at the stadium sucks! And those ticket prices are ridiculous! Especially when the players kneel during every National Anthem and then celebrate with stupid-ass dances in the end zone after every touchdown. Like they think they can dance. Pffft. Like that’s worth celebrating and our free nation is not. Nuh-uh. Ain’t goin’ no mo.”

  3. I’m in driving distance of Cinci. Been a Bengals fan my whole life, and often feel like I must apologize for it.
    Most of us wished the Bengals would just go ahead and loose so Marvin Lewis (Whom I’ve met) can FINALLY be fired. This is more of a local failure; I’m gonna be forty and have a fuzzy memory of the Bengals winning… But I CAN guarantee if some asshat took a knee the only fans at all you’d have seen would have been silver and black.

    And then there’s the Katty Perry “ROAR” debacle. And I swear to GAWD if I hear Guns N’ Roses, “Welcome to the Jungle” on the radio one more time I’m gonna loose my ever lovin’ mind!

  4. National Potato Week.

    This is where the owner needs to sit the team down and give them both barrels.

    “You shit the money bed, my friends. You killed the goose that lays the golden teeth.”

    I went to a Titans / Bengals home game a few years ago. Titans suck but the Bengals fans were about a bunch of obnoxious assholes. When you hear the stories of visiting fans attacked and put in the hospital…yea. It’s people like that.

  5. Lol! Too funny

    I used to be a diehard NFL fan. Enjoyed it. Then I got fed up with the talking heads telling me how great that play was, or a no-name player was the best in the league, or what somebody was thinking, and the analcysts were thugs or just has beens.

    My viewing started falling off…only watching ‘my’ team. Habits are hard to break, but I was doing it.

    Then the ‘kneeling’ thing and the Leagues decision to allow it sealed the deal for me. My lessing tolerance was brought to an abrupt end. I still look at scores, but have not watched one single play live. I can always find something else to do….even if it is just take a nap or clean the toilet.

    I understand that many people like to watch and that’s fine if it makes them happy. After all isn’t that what guides our life? To be happy? NFL no longer made me happy.

  6. The message was sent to the NFL and nobody listened, they think this will all go away.
    Way too many people show up at the stadium games and watch the games on TV for my liking.

    As s patriot, Never again. Screw the NFL, those who run it, play in it and those who watch it.

  7. So there was never Christmas shopping or snow towards the end of the NFL season before this year?

    JDHasty — I was at the first game in Sea Hawks’ Stadium also. I also saw their last game in the Kingdome, a first round play-off game against the Lions, as I recall.

  8. My wife and I went to a Seahawks (Seahawks vs. the Baltimore Colts, at the then new Kingdome) game while on our honeymoon back in Sept. 1977. It cost us $11 each to get in to see the game, I don’t even remember who won and it was the only Seahawks game I ever went to. Our $11 seats were so high in the upper deck in the nosebleed section that we were up against the back wall but it was worth it I guess to say that we got to got to go to at least one NFL game. Nowadays I could care less and it’s far too expensive to even think of going to a game. My son paid over $300 for a playoff game between the Seahawks and 49er’s a few years ago, I thought he was nuts for paying that much just to watch football in person. Even going across the street to watch the Mariners play at Safeco Field is becoming too expensive and a rare occurrence any more.

  9. The Weakly Standard didn’t understand basic capitalism theory, gone now.
    They claimed to be “conservative”. What conservative doesn’t understand a sound business plan is give your customers what they want?
    Football customers don’t want crybaby, millionaire wife beaters telling them who is in charge.
    I think the emperical evidence is in, Kraperdink had a bad business plan.

  10. I watched the Super Bowl when the Seahawks were playing the Steelers. I don’t follow the game and can assure you that I didn’t have a dog in that fight. One thing that is for sure and for certain is that for NFL fans to point to Portland Wrestling fans and suggest that their “sport” of choice occupies a lesser status than NFL football because Portland Wrestling is fixed has to be the pinnacle of hypocrisy.

  11. Will the low attendance wake up the NFL? By embracing the kneeing thing, they are turning their backs on normal Americans who have supported the league for 100 years and caving to snowflakes and anti-Americans. The NFL thinks that pro football is so embedded in our DNA that they can get away with allowing the kneeing stuff to continue. The half-empty stadiums says “uh-uh” and would be a wake-up all to intelligent leaders.

  12. NFL owners are the main ones that are hurting at the moment … they get tons of revenue from the concessions & parking … the NFL is convinced that this is only temporary & has told the owners to hunker down & wait it out & the fans will return … not gonna happen. this revenue loss will ‘trickle down’ (it already has w/ people that rely on concession sales) eventually to the players … good riddance to bad rubbish
    there are fewer & fewer Millennials & Gen Z’ers playing football anymore anyhow. future fans will be fewer, just like Baseball. when I was a tike, I could always find a football game to participate in during fall & winter weekends (when we were not playing Pop Warner, Boys Club or school teams, either at a local school-yard playground or among the various athletic fields … no more … Soy Boy Soccer has taken over, thanks to ‘concerned’ moms
    frankly, the NFL is now competing w/ the NBA & the NHL … (corrupt NCAA Basketball doesn’t get paid attention to until March) & the NBA is even more boring than the NFL (Great play! … oh wait, a flag … let’s go to a 10-minute replay delay) …. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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