Encouragement and Prayers Needed – IOTW Report

Encouragement and Prayers Needed

Our friend Stilton is Standing On Shaky Ground.
Please, send him and his family some virtual hugs and well-wishes.

Thank you, Doc for the heads-up.

14 Comments on Encouragement and Prayers Needed

  1. Having haunted the halls of hospitals myself for the support and protection of family, my heart and prayers go out to you and your wife in this difficult time made much worse by politics. I will not discuss that now, however, as we need to focus on calling on the Lord to help.

    Dear precious heavenly Father, we call upon Your mercy by the only thing that makes us worthy, the Blood of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Please Lord, come upon Stilton in his hour of need, take his infirmity from him and make it nothing as he awaits Your mighty move on the illness of his dear wife Kathy. As You give Your healing touch to him, so may You also give Your healing touch to her, baffle her doctors, amaze her nurses, make learned men stammer when they see this unbeatable disease is suddenly and completely GONE, as a clear sign of a touch that could only come from You, to Your Glory, as You alone can do that which is beyond the medicine of Man. Make Your power known as the Ultimate Physician with her and with him, show the hubris of Man what the Might of God looks like on this one that he may praise Your miracle to many, that they may know the mercy of the Lord is still abroad in this land. We would not dare ask if You did not command us in Your Word to, but as you do, we stand upon that Word as we look to You, hoping,, praying, and expecting full and complete healing for them both.

    We thank You and we praise You Lord for the healing that is already on the way, in the merciful Name of Jesus we pray,

    God Bless,


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