“End of Quote” – IOTW Report

“End of Quote”

 Joe Biden Reads Teleprompter Instructions During 4-Minute Rant on SCOTUS Immunity Ruling.

19 Comments on “End of Quote”

  1. Of all the things to point to as evidence of Joey’s dementia, this is the puniest. It used to be that when speaking and quoting somebody, we’d say “Quote” at the beginning and “Unquote” (or “end quote” or “end of quote”) at the end. We seem to have gotten lazy about this. But considering Joey’s age, the old habit was still in effect for a lot of the early part of his benighted life.

    In my opinion, Joey’s saying “End of quote” is a combination of dementia and ancient memories. In any case, FJB! Trump 2024! MAGA!

  2. Enjoy his dementia morsel, becaise this is about all you’re going to get anymore until election day. The DNC is moving up the official nomination of Biden to July 21, and it will be zoomed. Biden is going back to the basement, as he did in 2020, and the state media will be told to keep a respectful distance. Biden will still appear occasionally in short, choreographed and medicated bursts which will mollify lofos and True Believers. And state media will massage away the pain of the debate as best they can. It’s going to be slim pickins’ at the Biden gaffe buffet.

  3. They are so confident in there ability to cheat another election, they’re keeping him as a candidate.
    Just need a couple people to die of “BIRD FLU”.
    “End of quote.”

  4. Cmn¢¢guy – That’s not Hillary. They’re prepping us with one of her new body doubles. She gonna be President and needs protection, dontcha know?! And she ain’t no ways tired, neither!

  5. He was jacked up and sounded as angry as he did at SOTU. Of course, when he finished reading what somebody wrote on the teleprompter he ran away without answering any questions.

  6. Cmn¢¢guy, that reminds of the old story about what a crunt is supposed to say on her inauguration day:

    “Something old, nothing new,
    Something stolen, nothing true.”

    …but we’ll never know, will we?

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