End Stage TDS sufferer Rosie O’Donnell thinks Trump rallies are fake – IOTW Report

End Stage TDS sufferer Rosie O’Donnell thinks Trump rallies are fake


CTH: On the same day Alex Jones is kicked off media platforms for promoting informational products the control agents deem to be ‘conspiracy theory’…. CNN airs this:



18 Comments on End Stage TDS sufferer Rosie O’Donnell thinks Trump rallies are fake

  1. How’s Rosies investments lookin’ in Trumps new economy?….I’m kinda tickled with mine and he’s just getting fucking started!!!!!…

    By 2024 I might buy a newer car. Something less then a decade old! Until then, the new pool table should be here in two weeks. Full loins of strip steak and ribeye cut up and in the freezer. New puppy……SHHHEEEIT!…life is looking good Winston!….Feelin’ good Billy Ray!!!!!….

  2. @ MJA is this your version of water boarding us? Visually?

    Cannot watch that drivel from Mr Love Myself Tan Boy and Ms. IRRELEVANT. Did it not claim to want to move to Canada when
    it’s nemesis WON.

    Also, why would I watch ANYTHING that reminds me of
    Il Supremo, Andy. I bet he loves being called Annnnndeeee.

    IT was on a Soap Box in front of the WH the other day, I wonder if IT needed help in getting on top of her SOAP BOX.


    @ Benito – yeah it would but they would claim PRE-EXISTING so
    we would have to cover.


  3. Sorry folks, I’m too busy co-coordinating the renovations on my old house sponsored by both tax savings and investment returns from Trump’s economy.

    Couldn’t afford it 2 years ago but now it’s a go!

    Rosie can go suck eggs. (Straight from the source that is.)

  4. All she has to do is attend one, and then she’ll know whether or not it’s fake. Too much trouble? Yeah, I guess finding facts is more difficult than spewing bullshit.

    Pity her.
    Pray for her.
    She really is a lost soul, blind and stumbling through a haze of hatred and torment. The world she envisions doesn’t exist – never did exist – and never will exist – it’s a sick nightmare of hatred, oppression, torture, and death.

    Cambodia under Pol Pot.
    Cuba under the Castros.
    Albania under Hoxha.
    Yugoslavia under Tito.
    USSR under Stalin.
    Germany under Hitler.
    Italy under Mussolini.
    China under Mao.
    Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh.
    &c., &c., &c.

    The Disneyesque fantasy of happy socialists is just that – a fantasy – nothing more – life under socialism is nasty, mean, brutish, and short.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Rosie O’Donnell bat shite crazy? Of course.

    But the real elephant in that room is: CNN aired… on… CNN. See how that works?

    It’s nice when the people that call you enemy… want to prove to you how much they hate you… by shooting themselves in the head. But depending on them finishing the job for you? To make you safe? Is… well… bat shite crazy.

    Amplify your signal? By repeating it with the help of those who call you enemy? Brilliant. Relying on their signal for your survival? Not so much.

  6. …help me out here folks. Admittedly I don’t watch network news or cable or whatever. However…. Rosie had a talk show. I remember that.

    But that’s it. And that was…..a decade? Two decades ago?

    I simply can’t figure out why they went to HER. Don’t they have access to boatloads of current crazy leftists they can go to?

    If she’s relevant, then my bad. But the last thing she was famous for was having her daughter reject her and move out.

    Sign me, “Stumped in Sonora”

  7. @Aaron Burr August 7, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    Do you want them to bring back Hillary!? Because they will pull this train over! And bring back Hillary! If that’s what you want!


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