England: 91-Year-Old Dementia Sufferer Trapped Under Stairlift Dies After Foreign Care Staff Unable to Speak English to Emergency Services – IOTW Report

England: 91-Year-Old Dementia Sufferer Trapped Under Stairlift Dies After Foreign Care Staff Unable to Speak English to Emergency Services

GP: A 91-year-old dementia sufferer died after foreign care staff at a nursing home in England were unable to communicate with emergency operators.

Barbara Rymell died after she fell and got trapped under a stairlift at the Ashley House Residential home in Somerset. The two care staffers who were Romanian and Indian, were unable to tell emergency responders about the victim’s condition because they don’t speak English.

According to The Telegraph, the foreign caregivers didn’t know the difference between “the patient being “alive” and “alert”, or “breathing” and “bleeding.”

“Their lack of English “severely hampered” the call handler’s response and made a “meaningful” assessment of Mrs Rymell’s condition “virtually impossible”, the coroner said,” according to The Telegraph. more

11 Comments on England: 91-Year-Old Dementia Sufferer Trapped Under Stairlift Dies After Foreign Care Staff Unable to Speak English to Emergency Services

  1. “Duhhowfar!”



    “Ain’t that some shit. Get the fuck out of my face, Howie.”


    “He seem excited, Bill, what the fuck is his problem?”

    “I think the house is on fire.”

    “Why didn’t he just say that?”

  2. I don’t get this thing they do now where they try to calibrate a response based on a 911 call and little else.

    Back in the day, we had incoherent callers, excited callers, callers that may or may not be truthful for a wife variety of reasons; callers that were too young to make sense, too old to make sense, too foreign to make sense, or simply said nothing and/or hung up.

    This didn’t change things greatly as far as response. Minimum, you’re getting a cop or two to eye the situation. Cops can vary widely on medical training, equipment, and desire to actually do medical things, but what they DID have was radios and so you would get good solid info pretty quick. If the dispatcher kenned it was at all medical, a department first responder and an ambulance would be simultaneously toned out as well, carrying some rescue equipment as well as medical equipment and one or both would be quick to the scene.

    There’s nothing here that suggests the foreigners had nefarious designs so they would lead responders there if not communicate with them otherwise, so it really shouldn’t change response times greatly other than maybe delaying heavy rescue somewhat, but with other assets there already it shouldn’t be the difference between a fatality or not.

    …in any case, we never relied on JUST the dispatch assessment without getting eyes there quickly regardless, and I don’t know why they do it otherwise now. I mean yes, it DOES amp things up a bit when the County says endearing things like “pediatric nonbreather” or “fire with entrapment”, but you would have still got guys racing to the scene from multiple directions regardless even without that.

    Not sure how the stairs lift thing shook out, most models I’ve seen have some form of pressure sensors and load sensors so they stop if you fall out and stop if they hit something. If it’s lacking those things, that’s a whole different conversation but again doesn’t affect the immediate rescue. If you’ve got this thing running up your back on arrival, believe me both responder and ambulance have enough crap on them to make THAT shit stop toot sweet.

    I ain’t gonna lie. Even the best of nursing homes ain’t great, and they get the lowest tier of medical professionals.

    But that shouldn’t hamper the immediate 911 response at ALL unless there’s some weird political game of calibrated response going on.

    …and, for reasons stated above and many others, you’re stupid to try doing that.


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