England Anti-Migration Rioters Storm ‘Migrant Hotel’ in Grooming Gang Hotspot Rotherham – IOTW Report

England Anti-Migration Rioters Storm ‘Migrant Hotel’ in Grooming Gang Hotspot Rotherham


As the anti-immigration protests and riots in England entered their fifth day on Saturday, hundreds of people surrounded a believed migrant hotel in Rotherham, setting fire to the building and clashing with police.

Anti-immigration protesters descended upon the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham, South Yorkshire on Sunday afternoon as nationwide unrest continues in the wake of the killing of three young British girls at a children’s dance party in Southport by an alleged Rwandan-heritage teenager.

The hotel, which has previously seen protests against housing supposed asylum seekers — many likely illegal boat migrants — at taxpayer expense. According to The Telegraph, the crowd could be heard chanting “Get them out”. more

16 Comments on England Anti-Migration Rioters Storm ‘Migrant Hotel’ in Grooming Gang Hotspot Rotherham

  1. Anonymous
    MONDAY, 5 AUGUST 2024, 11:34 AT 11:34 AM
    “The police are afraid of muslims.”

    …the police are well aware that their city, state, and national governments will ABSOLUTELY sell them out if they so much as offend a Muslim, so they have to turn to unprotected classes to have any semblance of doing their jobs at all.

  2. …FWIW, I dont know how a policeman can even be willing to work in such a toxic environment where a misstep or even what would normally be legal procedure can get him jailed, his family doxxed, and his life ruined at any time because it serves the political purposes of a Democrat to do so and no other reason.

    I worked happily for years for an FD because I knew the city and county would have my back as long as I was legit.

    I dont know how anyone in any non-bureaucratic public service role in this post-Jab, Democrat-ruined world can possibly believe that now.

  3. Fire us our friend. But not just a bit of it, a lot of it. The place to put the fire after the migrant center is the police station and city hall. Two hands that wash, really three hands that wash one another.

  4. If one is a smart bobby, an intelligent bobby, maybe it’s time for you and your mates to call in on a “blue flu”, “gee, boss, I/we can’t come in to duty today, I’m/we’re sick, oh, and I’ll/we’ll be sick all week, too, bye”.

  5. I don’t blame the protesters one bit. The Slime-ball leftist media continues to call them racists and haters.

    What are people supposed to do when 3 little kids from their community are knifed to death by a savage? Just sit back and take it?

    The British police are useless weaklings. But the British people have had enough and are breaking free of their gov’t tyranny. If I lived there I would join the protesters. If that Rwanda murderer ever showed his face in public he wouldn’t last 10 seconds.

  6. All of the major cities in Britain now have Muslim “patrols”. Today in Manchester, these “patrols” were targeting native Brits, beating them with fists, 2×4’s, batons & 2 young men were curb stomped by a pack of what looked liked 20 to 25 of the savages. The idiot Starmer is blaming his own people(native) for the violence. NO! It is because 3 little girls were stabbed to death by a deranged animal because they were not Muslim. It is not the folks of Britain responsible for this, it is their so-called leaders. They are the ones who let millions of third world hyenas into the country with open arms. Britain has fallen to Islam.


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