England: Ex-Met Police Chief Cut Off For Saying Black Lives Matter Wants to “Destabilize Society” – IOTW Report

England: Ex-Met Police Chief Cut Off For Saying Black Lives Matter Wants to “Destabilize Society”

Also noted that single parent black homes partly to blame for riots.

Summit News:

Former Metropolitan Police Chief Kevin Hurley was cut off during a live TV interview when he blamed single parent black homes for riots and said the agenda of Black Lives Matter was to “destabilize society”.

Hurley appeared on Sky News with presenter Adam Boulton, who is notorious for aggressively patrolling guests who dare dissent against the establishment consensus.

Hurley was asked about Wednesday night’s riot in Brixton, where at least 22 police officers were injured as they tried to break up an illegal street party, with mobs chasing them down the street and pelting objects. The culprits were almost if not all black. more here

“Well the only way you’re going to deal with this is to have a social intervention that gets upstream and helps manage the problems that come from single parenting, particularly amongst young African-Caribbean women,” said Hurley, adding that intervention was necessary at a very young age to prevent children growing up to become violent. more here

6 Comments on England: Ex-Met Police Chief Cut Off For Saying Black Lives Matter Wants to “Destabilize Society”

  1. I kinda disagree. I think single-parent black homes (and other homes too) are largely to blame for higher crime and incarceration. But I blame the Marxist BLM movement, antifa, and white liberals for creating the atmosphere leading to rioting and looting, and being major actors in carrying it out.
    But to cut off the police chief is BS.

  2. @LeftCoastDan agreed, I would like to throw in MSM as well. When you hear the protesters in some cities, they are young kids regurgitating the talking points that they hear on MSNBC and CNN. Their arguments sound like Joy and Whoopi on the view.

    Open invite for all to watch the stupidity here in Portland,OR on YouTube. JeffMac, Portland Andy(channels) have been streaming the mayhem and you can see the stupidity up close from all the millennials. Could use some conservative back up in the chat since there are a lot of global SJW’s from around the world watching Portland at night.


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