England: Government Will Not Request Prison Sentence for ‘Child Migrant’ Who Raped 5 Year-Old Boy – IOTW Report

England: Government Will Not Request Prison Sentence for ‘Child Migrant’ Who Raped 5 Year-Old Boy

Breitbart London:

The Attorney-General’s Office (AGO) will not request a prison sentence for a “child migrant” who raped a 5 year-old boy in late 2015, Breitbart London has established.

The migrant, who told the boy he would “break him into pieces” if he told anyone about the attack, was handed a non-custodial, three-year rehabilitation order by Judge Jonathan Bennett. Defence lawyer Alwyn Jones welcomed the ruling, saying he hoped it would “address the underlying issues this young man has.”

Any member of the public can request that the Law Officers of England and Wales appeal sentences of this nature under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme. Breitbart London reported last November that at least one unknown member of the public had done so in this case.

However, the AGO has since told Breitbart London that Tory MP Robert Buckland, the Solicitor-General, has “carefully reviewed the papers” and “concluded that if the sentence imposed on the offender was referred to the Court of Appeal, the Court would not increase the sentence”.

It was on this basis that Buckland “decided not the refer the case”. The AGO gave Breitbart London no indication as to its own assessment of the sentence’s suitability.

The original sentence was just one of a series of rulings which have encouraged accusations that the judiciary are “out of touch” with the ordinary public, with some calling for judges to be subject to retention elections, as in Japan and several American states.

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21 Comments on England: Government Will Not Request Prison Sentence for ‘Child Migrant’ Who Raped 5 Year-Old Boy


    “ten year sentence for shooting dead an already fatally-wounded terrorist”


  2. Underlying issues? The guy is a sick Muslim fuck who likes to bugger children. The only thing ‘underlying’ will be how many people he kills when he finally goes into full jihad mode.

  3. If I were the victim’s father, I would consent to this judge’s call for three years of rehab. Except that the judge wouldn’t remember his own name and he would be lucky if 3 years of rehab would get him out of his full-body cast.

    As for the perp, the judge’s pension account would be held liable for the funeral expenses.

  4. Like is another post I read a way back ago about a rapist that said- “I had a sexual emergency” Bring this person to me and I will fix all his problems……

  5. Sharia says to stone homosexuals to death. Since the short-eyed bastard raped a little boy, we should apply his own law on him, and chuck cinder blocks at his head.

  6. The problem is that Scotland is still part of the UK as a whole and most of the Scottish MP’s are hard lefties who are draining England of both cash and moral fibre. If the Scots would actually do the decent thing and leave then England would actually become a truly conservative country and these Judges would then face a united government who would not allow these travesties to occur. In any event, if they don’t want to toss this 15 year monster in the slam then deport him and his whole family back to whatever hell they came from. Make sure they are identified in the papers and maybe, just maybe they may act as to deter another horrific crime.

  7. Uncle Al,

    Not even that is often considered sodomy — only the receptive man is often considered the sodomite, hence the guilty party. Arabs in general, and Muslims in particular, have a long history of sodomy.

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