England: London police respond to ‘incident’ on London Bridge – IOTW Report

England: London police respond to ‘incident’ on London Bridge

LONDON (WFLA) – London’s Metropolitan Police Department are responding to an incident on London Bridge.



A number of media outlets have reported that several people were mowed down by a white van, and several gun shots were fired. Victims are reportedly lying on the ground and receiving CPR after being stabbed, but the police department has yet to confirm these claims.

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44 Comments on England: London police respond to ‘incident’ on London Bridge

  1. London calling to the faraway towns
    Now war is declared, and battle come down
    London calling to the underworld
    Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
    London calling, now don’t look to us.

    The Clash

  2. Let’s not jump to conclu– and its Muslims…again.
    Mark my words, you ‘peaceful’ Muslims, when one of your Religious Hillbillies lights off a nuke or a dirty bomb and finally kill a boatload of people, the backlash will most certainly include you.

  3. “…British police said they were dealing with “incidents” on London Bridge…”

    Probably a lot of whistle blowing going on, end looking for places to park their bicycles. England, I cry for you.
    Wake up and open your eyes!

  4. They haven’t made a statement yet because they are jumping through their own assholes trying to spin the story and take the blame off of the muslims that most likely did it. After all, blaming muslims for something they did is an arrest able offense in Britain now.

  5. Poor Laslo….. “you ‘peaceful’ Muslims, when one of your Religious Hillbillies…”

    Laslo, yer killin’ me! (too soon?)

    “Religious Hillbillies” from now on, that’s a winner!

  6. My heart is so heavy–my husband said he feels sorry for the British-I don’t, not a whit. We have a special needs adult son and he asked tonight, why? All I can explain to him (he is so innocent) is that there is good and evil and he MUST remain good (I, on the other hand am not sure I can).

  7. Death/Injured Toll since June 1, when DJT announced the USA is leaving the Paris Accord:

    Trumps Planet Killing Initiative: 0 reported dead / 0 reported injured

    Extreme Islamic Terrorism: 20+ reported dead (and counting) / 40+ reported injured (and counting)

  8. Wow. I can’t believe it’s another muslim terrorist attack.

    So surprising.

    The UK leftists that opened Britain’s borders to the hordes of murderous savages are just as guilty of these acts as the people that drove the van, and knifed the victims.

    The Brits should hang them all.

  9. Surprise, surprise, surprise!

    From Breitbart:
    “The Telegraph has reported that an eye witness on London Bridge told the BBC he saw three men stabbing people indiscriminately, shouting “this is for Allah”.”

  10. 1. Don’t jump to conclusions
    2. Unknown motive
    3. Don’t give in to Islamaphobia
    4. Moment of silence
    5. Thoughts and prayers to the victims
    6. Resistance just leads to more radicalism
    7. Repeat as necessary

  11. Politically correct London cops are armed with cheap umbrellas, fashionable purses, really fast tennis shoes, and government approved scary threats. Effin muslims are motivated, armed to the teeth, have plenty of free time, and deadly effective leaders. Brits need to man up while they can.

  12. @Corky: Being good – which you must be having nurtured a special needs son – does NOT rule out just violence in the face of active, murdering evil. Bless you!

    Doesn’t anyone remember the middle of the 20th Century – and what it took to quash evil? Doesn’t anyone remember that today’s source of murderous, enslaving evil also allied itself with Hitler and his “friends”?

  13. So now we now why Britain was so pissed we leaked the Grande Bombing, they didn’t want the Truth Publicized !
    The year’s 2025, you land in Londanistan get to the Thames river and a man with a Diaper Head towel puts you on his Wooden Raft to cross it. All of the Muslim Natives are Happily Unhappy !

  14. Ariana Grande, (America hating ingrate) and fellow dihimmi, leftist pop “stars” are going to have a benefit concert for the victims of the Grande Manchester concert attack tomorrow.
    These people are idiots and in denial Jihadists hate their guts – literally. Since no one is fighting against terrorism in Britain, people attending the concert Sunday are sitting ducks.

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