England: Over 5,000 New FGM Cases, Still No Prosecutions – IOTW Report

England: Over 5,000 New FGM Cases, Still No Prosecutions

Breitbart: More that 5,000 new female genital mutilation (FGM) cases were recorded in England last year, with more than 9,000 women and girls attending the National Health Service (NHS) due to the gruesome practice.

Almost half involved women and girls living in London, a third were women and girls born in Somalia, and 112 cases were UK-born nationals.

The data released by NHS Digital covers the period between April 2016 and March 2017, and includes numbers from both NHS trusts and GP practices.


These statistics show that in the last year there were 9,179 attendances in which FGM was either identified, treatment was given, or a woman with FGM had given birth to a baby girl.

In total, 5,391 attendances were recorded in the system for the first time – 114 of which were girls under the age of 16.

FGM is common in many African nations and has become increasingly common in the UK with mass migration.

The gruesome practice, used to suppress and control female sexuality, has been illegal in the UK since 1985 but no one has ever been prosecuted for the crime in Britain.  more here

7 Comments on England: Over 5,000 New FGM Cases, Still No Prosecutions

  1. Capital punishment for the barbarians who commit this horrible crime. Imprisonment for those who advocate its practice. And for good measure? Maybe the low IQ inbred rag heads should be on the receiving end of their ‘an eye for an eye’ belief.’

  2. Let those who have done this demonic crime receive the EXACT SAME procedure, done with the EXACT SAME weapon. Cut into their tissue and nervous systems, while they lie there, wide awake. And then follow up with a shoddy stitch up job. Seems fair to me.

  3. Judge Bean: Whoa there! Are you really advocating a slice of pink bits for a slice of pink bits? What part of the Religion of Peace’s great book of Seventh Century Behavior for Ignorant Savages are you referring to in your comment. You do realize that that we have to assimilate with these barbarian low IQ inbred ragheads in order to bring forth the return of one of their beloved Imans or Ayatollahs or Mullahs, don’t you? This could delay our submission and upset the establishment of the Caliphate or CaliforniaLip if it is not administered with a Bowie Knife.

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